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词汇 羊毛
例句 Sidecords are usually made up of a group of warp threads overcast with wool.缘饰通常是由一组用羊毛包边的经纱组成的。The menfolk were chewing the fat over wool prices.男人们在为羊毛的价格争论不休。The wool is combed before being spun into yarn.羊毛在纺成纱线之前需要梳理。The farmers sheared off the wool from the sheep.农民从羊身上剪下羊毛A thick, woolen rug covers the floor behind the desk.一块厚羊毛小地毯铺在写字台后面的地板上。Good carpet wool needs to combine softness with strength.优质的地毯羊毛需要兼备柔性和韧性。I prefer natural fibres such as wool and cotton.我喜欢羊毛和棉之类的天然纤维。Hot water shrinks wool.热水会使羊毛皱缩。He was perspiring in his thick woollen suit.他裹在厚厚羊毛西装里的身体直流汗。She was wearing wool slacks and a paisley smock.她穿着羊毛宽松裤和涡旋花纹宽袍。They created a monopoly in the export of wool.他们垄断了羊毛出口。Natural fabrics like silk and wool are better insulators than synthetics.丝和羊毛等天然纤维比合成材料绝缘性更好。A long wool coat is a classic no one should be without.羊毛大衣应该是衣橱里必不可少的经典服装。The farmers sheared the wool from the sheep.农民从羊身上剪下羊毛It'll keep the wool from scratching.它可阻止羊毛对皮肤产生刺激作用。Linen, cotton, silk, nylon and wool are common textile materials.亚麻、棉花、蚕丝、尼龙和羊毛都是常用的纺织原料。Ropes are braided from the wool.绳子是用羊毛编成的。It was a lovely afternoon with a blue sky and a few fleecy white clouds.那是个愉快的下午,蓝蓝的天空中飘着几朵羊毛般轻软的白云。They sheared last week.他们是上星期剪的羊毛The women spun and dyed the wool.女人们纺羊毛并给羊毛染色。It's a very fluffy kind of wool.这是一种质地非常柔软的羊毛A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind.一件薄薄的羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。Their wool is suitable for finer grades of cloth.他们的羊毛适合做较高级的布料。The cotton and wool were knitted into gloves, caps, jackets, socks and skirts.棉花和羊毛被织成了手套、帽子、夹克、袜子和裙子。Moths ate holes in my wool coat.蠹虫把我的羊毛外衣蛀了几个洞。I don't like wearing wool next my skin.我不喜欢贴身穿羊毛衣服。The farmers sheared the sheep.农民剪了羊毛The rug is made from a mixture of wool and synthetic fibres.这地毯是用羊毛和合成纤维的混纺织物制成的。Wood was now comfortably enfolded in a woolly dressing-gown.伍德正舒服地穿着件羊毛晨衣。Wool and silk are the materials that are easiest to dye.羊毛与丝绸是最易染色的料子。Australia is one of the world's main producers of wool.澳大利亚是世界上主要的羊毛产地之一。The sheep's wool will be spun into yarn.这些羊毛将被用来纺成毛线。Wool is packed in bales.羊毛被打成大包。The wool scratches my skin.这种羊毛会刺激我的皮肤。They spun the wool into yarn.他们把羊毛纺成了线。Wool socks will pull moisture away from your skin.羊毛短袜能吸走皮肤上的水分。Wool has an excellent wicking action, that is, it carries body moisture away from your skin.羊毛有极好的毛细作用,亦即能从皮肤上吸走人体的水分。The women prepared, spun and dyed the wool.女人们处理羊毛,纺羊毛并给羊毛染色。He wore a heavy jacket and a wool ski hat.他穿了件厚厚的外套,戴了顶羊毛滑雪帽。She spins all her own wool.她所有的羊毛都是自己纺的。




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