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例句 Under this proposal, Federal money will no longer go to public housing projects but will go instead directly to the people.根据这一提议,联邦政府的钱将不再用于公共住宅项目,而是直接分到人们的手里。These base camps were used by the PKK guerrillas to make forays into Turkey.这些基地训练营被库尔德工人党游击队用于对土耳其实施突袭行动。The money that might be spent on cities has been diverted into other projects.原可用于城市建设的钱已被转移到其他项目上去了。Only distilled water should be used for cleaning contact lenses.只有蒸馏水才能用于清洗隐形眼镜。As the market opens up, I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods.随着市场的放开,我认为人们将能够增加用于消费品的支出。The magazine devotes a lot of space to advertising.这本杂志有将大量版面用于广告。Helicopters are mainly used for military rather than civil use.直升机主要用于军事而非民用。The machine measures the eyeball's degree of curvature.这台仪器用于测量眼球的曲度。Senator Lugar is skeptical that Congress will appropriate more funding for this purpose.参议员卢格怀疑国会是否会拨出更多资金用于此目的。There is great public concern about some of the chemicals used in food preservation.公众对一些用于食物保藏的化学物表示极为担忧。The state's overall spending on corrections has increased rapidly in recent years.这个州近年来用于劳教罪犯的总开支迅速增长。The new law clamps limits on the amount of money candidates can spend on election campaigns.新法规就候选人用于选举活动的资金数额给予了限定。The money will be used to help starving children around the world.这笔钱将用于帮助世界各地挨饿的儿童。The revenue will be used to help pay for environmental improvements.该收入将用于支付改善环境的部分费用。This year's budget for AIDS prevention probably won't be much higher.今年用于防治艾滋病的预算很可能不会比往年高很多。The bark was used to tan leather.这种树皮鞣料用于制革。He spent more time perfecting his dance moves instead of gym work.他把更多的时间用于完善舞蹈动作,而不是健身训练。The weapons are undergoing ballistics tests to see whether they were used in the shootings.这些武器正在接受弹道测试,以确定它们是否曾用于枪击案中。When governments acquire personal information about people they always try to put it to political use.政府获得人民的个人资料后,总是设法将其用于政治目的。Your donations will be going to a worthy cause.你的捐款将用于一项高尚事业。Full-size tripods can be awkward, especially if you're shooting a low-level subject.标准尺寸的三脚架可能会不便于使用,用于拍摄低角度的物体时尤其如此。Rayon is used extensively to make furnishing fabrics.人造丝被广泛用于制造家具布料。This transmitter will be beamed at Africa.这台发射机将用于对非洲广播。Ten percent of the collection goes to the city's shelters for homeless people.筹集款的百分之十用于为城市无家可归的人提供庇护所。The resin from which the oil is extracted comes from a small, tough tree.用于提取这种油的树脂取自于一种矮小坚韧的树。All the money raised will go to charity.所有筹款都将用于慈善事业。So many column inches are devoted to movie stars.如此多的专栏版面都用于对电影明星的报道。Bar charts are a useful way of looking at sets of figures.条形图用于观察多组数据很有用。They will also be used on factory floors to weld things together.它们也可用于工厂车间,用来焊接物体。Herbs have been used for centuries to endow a whole range of foods with subtle flavours.数个世纪以来,香草一直被用于给各种食物增添淡淡的香味。This book will serve to guide you in the fulfilment of a successful relationship.这本书可用于指引你建立起成功的人际关系。The money will be used for teacher training schemes.这笔钱将用于教师培训计划。He brought along a copy of the software for demonstration.他带来了软件的备份用于演示。Music can be used to evoke childhood.音乐可用于唤起童年的记忆。This medicine is to be applied externally.这药是用于外敷的。The proceeds from the concert will go towards famine relief.演唱会所得收入将用于赈济饥荒。Herb vinegars are useful mainly for marinades and salad dressings.香草醋主要用于做鱼肉用调味液和色拉调味汁。The proceeds from the sale of the grounds will go towards the construction of a new stadium.卖这片场地的收益将用于建造一个新的体育馆。Recent government spending on schools is a classic case of too little, too late.最近政府用于学校的支出,如往常一样给得太少,给得太晚。The main building was also used for the enactment of mystery plays.主楼亦用于神秘剧的演出。




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