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词汇 craters
例句 The area of the moon is completely saturated with craters.月球的这一地区布满环形山。With a good telescope, you can see craters on the moon.用好的望远镜能看到月亮上的环形山。Small meteorites have left impact craters all over the planet's surface.小行星留下的撞击坑布满了这颗行星的表面。The surface of the moon is pitted with craters.月球表面因有环形山而变得坑坑洼洼。The moon's surface was pocked with craters.月球的表面有一个个凹坑。The surface of the moon is peppered with craters.月球表面布满了陨石坑。The land was scarred with bomb craters.地面千疮百孔,布满了弹坑。The rain pitted the sea with tiny craters.雨点密密麻麻打在海面上。Todd winced as the jeep bounced over ruts and craters.吉普车颠簸着开过车辙和坑洼,托德不由得眉头一皱。Before them was an apocalyptic landscape of burnt villages and bomb craters.在他们面前是被焚毁的村落和一个个弹坑,一幅世界末日的景象。The ground was pitted with innumerable craters.遍地都是坑坑洼洼。The telescope makes the craters on the surface of the moon incredibly clear.望远镜使月球表面的陨石坑看上去格外清晰。




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