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Sampras reigned as the number one tennis player in the country.桑普拉斯作为头号网球选手一直称霸国内网坛。She has played against some of the best tennis players in the world.她和几位世界最优秀的网球选手较量过。She is undeniably the best tennis player of her time.她无疑是她那个时代最棒的网球选手。The world's number one tennis player and his coach parted company earlier this month.世界头号网球选手和他的教练本月初分道扬镳了。As a tennis player he has not yet met his match.作为一名网球选手,他还没有遇到敌手。Her killer instincts have helped her become one of the top tennis players in the world.战胜对手的欲望使她成为一名世界顶级网球选手。Henman is Britain's brightest tennis hope.亨曼是英国最有希望的网球选手。Britain's number-one tennis player gave a disappointingly lacklustre performance.英国头号网球选手死气沉沉的表现令人失望。He's a great tennis player, but he turns into a crybaby when he loses.他是一位伟大的网球选手,但他一输球就变得风度很差。The stats show that she's the greatest women's tennis player in history.统计数字显示,她是历史上最伟大的女子网球选手。That was an impressive performance from such a young tennis player.这么年轻的网球选手居然打得那么好。Wimbledon is the opportunity for all the world's best tennis players to strut their stuff.温布尔顿网球公开赛是全世界顶尖网球选手大展身手的好机会。She's still the world number one in tennis.她仍然是世界头号网球选手。Fred Perry is one of the all-time greats of tennis.弗雷德·佩里是有史以来最伟大的网球选手之一。Stan had been an excellent tennis player in his prime.斯坦在壮年的时候曾经是出色的网球选手。The wheelchair tennis player is allowed two bounces of the ball.轮椅网球选手可以等球落地两次再击球。As his career attests, he is a world-class tennis player.他是世界一流的网球选手,其职业生涯便是最好例证。She's one of the world's best tennis players any way you cut it.不管你怎么看,她都是一位世界顶级的网球选手。The tennis player belted the ball right out of the court.那位网球选手将球用力打出球场去了。Tennis players start at a more tender age these days.如今网球选手比以前更早开始打网球。 |