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词汇 比尔
例句 Bill closed his eyes, and pretended that the war was over and that he was safe at home.比尔闭上眼,就当战争已结束,他平平安安在家。We have delegated Bill to attend the meeting.我们已委派比尔参加会议。Mary is small and just comes up to Bill's chest.玛丽的个儿矮小,身高只到比尔的胸部。Bill wants to spend a large sum on modernizing the farm.比尔想花一大笔钱将农场现代化。I haven't thanked Bill for his present yet.我还没有感谢比尔送我礼物呢。For years, Bill Wirtz has been performing in small clubs and honky-tonks.几年来,比尔·沃茨一直在小型俱乐部和低级酒吧里表演。We wish Bill a speedy recovery.我们祝愿比尔快快康复。The team's dramatic turnaround is attributed to their new coach Bill Snyder.该队戏剧性的转变归功于新教练比尔·斯奈德。Can you picture Bill dressed as a fairy?你能想像得出比尔扮作仙女的模样吗? John and Bill changed off at riding the bicycle.约翰和比尔轮流骑这辆自行车。Bill looked nervous, and I could see that his hands were shaking.比尔看上去很紧张,我看见他的手在抖。Oh shut up Bill, I'm tired of listening to your excuses.噢,比尔你给我闭嘴,你那些借口我已经听厌了。Bill was cold, hungry and tired and he wanted to quit.比尔又冷又饿又累,他想不干了。Bill knocked him down with one blow.比尔一拳把他打倒在地。Bill went on in the car and I followed on foot.比尔坐车先走,我步行跟在后面。It's understandable that she doesn't want to see Bill again.她不想再看到比尔,这是可以理解的。My uncle Bill's been a painter and decorator all his life.我叔叔比尔一辈子都是油漆工和糊墙纸工。Ned reacted angrily to Bill's comments.内德对比尔的话非常气愤。William Frederick Cody, otherwise known as Buffalo Bill.威廉·弗雷德里克·科迪,也叫水牛比尔Bill was never cut out to be a parent.比尔根本不适合当家长。Bill's just landed himself a part in a Broadway show.比尔刚在百老汇演出中谋到了一个角色。Bill's work ethic was never very strong.比尔的职业道德感从来都不强。Bill lost no time in telling me about his idea.比尔立刻把他的想法告诉了我。Bill stroked her hair gently, trying to comfort her.比尔轻轻地抚摸她的头发,试图安慰她。It was the first time Bill and I had fallen out.这是比尔和我第一次闹翻。This letter has to do with Bill's plans for the holiday.这封信与比尔的度假计划有关。The way Bill plays that piece would have Mozart turning in his grave.比尔把那首曲子演奏得令莫扎特在九泉之下都不得安宁。We are all deeply saddened by Bill's sudden death.比尔突然去世,我们都非常伤心。They were visited by the unlikely figure of Bill Clinton.他们没有想到比尔・克林顿会来访。Jack and Bill are twins, but the former is taller than the latter.杰克和比尔是双胞胎,但前者比后者个子高。Bill's eyes glittered with irritation.比尔的眼神中流露出气恼。She could not understand the animosity felt towards Bill by her older brother.她不能理解她哥哥对比尔何以深恶痛绝。Bill was doing a lot of exercise to build up his strength.比尔做很多运动以增强体力。Bill collects foreign coins.比尔收集外国硬币。On Sunday morning Bill was woken by the telephone.星期天早晨,比尔被电话铃声吵醒了。Bill won two golf tournaments back-to-back.比尔连续获得了两站高尔夫球巡回赛的冠军。Bill's not afraid to express his opinions.比尔从来不怕表达自己的观点。There were about twenty spectators, among whom were Bill, Maria and myself.大约有二十个观众,包括比尔、玛丽亚和我。When I went to collect the car, Bill met me with a conspiratorial grin.我去取车的时候碰到了比尔,他咧着嘴会意地一笑。I wrote to Marian, but I didn't put anything about Bill being arrested.我给玛丽安写了信,但没有提比尔被捕的事。




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