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His opponent played on, winning the point.他的对手继续比赛,赢得了比分。We will continue the race, regardless of the weather.不管天气如何,我们将继续比赛。You always have to play to the whistle.你必须总是继续比赛直到裁判哨响。He braced up the sprained ligament in his knee and played on.他在扭伤了韧带的膝盖上打了绷带,继续比赛。The teams played on in the snow.球队在雪中继续比赛。We decided to play on even though it was snowing.尽管下雪了,我们决定继续比赛。To go ahead with the match after such clear advice had been asking for trouble.在得到如此明确的建议后还继续比赛,真是自找苦吃。Jones had injured his foot, but played on despite the pain.琼斯伤了脚,尽管痛,但依然继续比赛。She hurt her wrist but decided to continue playing.她伤了手腕,但决定继续比赛。 |