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词汇 统计数字
例句 He would dig up statistics and interpolate them into the report.他会查找出统计数字,加到报告里去的。There was a note of caution for the Treasury in the figures.统计数字向财政部亮出了警告。I may be just another statistic to my employer, but I am a human being and have feelings.对于雇主,我可能只不过是另一个统计数字而已,但是我是人,我有感情。By some statistical sleight of hand the government has produced figures showing that unemployment has recently fallen.通过在统计数字上耍些手腕,政府弄出了一些显示最近失业率下降的数字。The latest unemployment figures should strengthen the government's resolve to do something about it.最新的失业统计数字应该会增强政府对此采取措施的决心。How reliable are these statistics?这些统计数字的可靠性如何?His duties consisted in digging up statistics and interpolating them into reports.他的任务是找出统计数字并把它们写进报告。The latest unemployment figures prove the wisdom of the government's policy.最新的失业统计数字证明了政府政策的明智。The statistics show a clear link between social class and crime.统计数字明确显示了社会阶层与犯罪之间的关系。Their governments have no reason to massage the statistics.他们的政府没有理由窜改统计数字The statistics do not paint an optimistic picture.统计数字显得不甚乐观。It's difficult to interpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.不了解这些统计数字是怎样得来的就难以理解它们。The stats show that she's the greatest women's tennis player in history.统计数字显示,她是历史上最伟大的女子网球选手。Company profits are down from last year's figures.从去年的统计数字看,公司的利润下降了。New Government figures predict that one in two marriages will end in divorce.新的政府统计数字预测,每两例婚姻中就有一例会离异。He studied microscopically the statistics of trade.他极仔细地研究了贸易统计数字Both sides offered statistics to bolster their arguments.双方都拿出统计数字来支持他们的论点。The latest figures reinforce the view that economic growth is slowing.最近的统计数字进一步说明了经济增长速度正在减缓。We can't let these boys become just another statistic.我们不能让这些男孩成为另一项统计数字We begin with a brief and necessarily incomplete review of UK statistics.我们先简要地回顾一下英国的统计数字,当然并不全面。Statistics, as we know, can be very misleading.据我们所知,统计数字可能非常具有误导性。Over-reliance on statistics has led us down a blind alley.过分依赖统计数字使我们钻进了死胡同。I'm not very good with statistics.我对统计数字不太在行。Statistics are integral to medical research.统计数字是医学研究中不可或缺的。The drop in the unemployment figures is cold comfort to those still looking for work.失业统计数字的下降,对那些仍在找工作的人来说依然起不了安慰的作用。At the risk of being repetitive, I will say again that statistics are only a guide.尽管会显得啰唆,但我还得再说一遍,统计数字只是一个参考。Government statistics showed a small drop in the annual rate of inflation.政府的统计数字显示今年的通货膨胀率略有下降。The managers have conveniently ignored these statistics.经理们为图省心而忽略了这些统计数字There are no reliable statistics for the number of deaths in the battle.关于阵亡人数没有可靠的统计数字The city's most shocking statistic is its high infant mortality rate.这座城市最令人震惊的统计数字是其高婴儿死亡率。Some economic statistics are giving off negative signals.有一些经济统计数字正发出不祥的信号。It won't be easy to tease out the meaning of these statistics.要搞清这些统计数字的含义可不容易。A walk in the streets or a talk with passersby gives life to statistics.到街上走走或者同过路人谈谈可使统计数字变得生动。He spouted off a long list of statistics to prove his point.他啰啰唆唆念了一大串统计数字来证明他的论点。I have no idea where that stat comes from.我不知道那个统计数字的出处。The publication of the economic statistics was awkwardly timed for the government.经济统计数字公布的时机不对,令政府陷入尴尬境地。The spate of storms and hurricanes in recent years could be a statistical quirk.统计数字上看,近些年来暴风雨和飓风的频发非同寻常。Cure rates did not differ statistically between the two groups.两组人群的治愈率在统计数字上没有区别。The latest economic figures have stirred fears of growing inflation.最新的经济统计数字引起了人们对愈来愈严重的通货膨胀的恐惧。We couldn't gainsay the statistics.我们无法否认统计数字




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