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例句 She was clearly very ill, and at times her speech was incoherent.她显然病得非常重,有时话也说不清。He has even been known to go shopping himself on occasion.人们甚至知道他有时自己会出去买东西。Sometimes frustration and anger can boil over into violent action.有时懊恼和愤怒会失去控制,引发暴力行为。Bandits sometimes pose difficulties for the police.匪徒有时给警方带来种种麻烦。His doctor has told him he mustn't drink, but he still has the occasional brandy on the quiet.医生嘱咐他不要喝酒,可他有时还是要偷偷地喝一杯白兰地。It's an outrage that men who didn't finish high school sometimes earn more than women with college educations.高中都未毕业的男性有时倒比大学毕业的女性挣得多,简直太不公平。It's sometimes very difficult to get my young son off to sleep when he's excited.我那小儿子兴奋的时候有时很难哄他入睡。This kind of chilli powder sometimes goes by the name of cayenne pepper.这种辣椒粉有时被叫做卡宴红辣椒粉。Her children's behaviour is sometimes so bad that it leaves her speechless.孩子们的表现有时差劲得令她无话可说。Life here is rough and sometimes pretty tough.这儿生活相当苦,而且有时非常艰难。The militia is/are sometimes used for dealing with riots.民兵部队有时被召来对付暴乱。The sentences are occasionally boneless.句子有时很乏味。Sometimes it is very important to stay mum.有时保持沉默是非常重要的。The restaurant doesn't look very appealing, but looks can be deceiving/deceptive. 这家饭馆看起来不怎么样,但外表有时是靠不住的。Every so often, a band comes along that changes music history.有时也会出现一支能改写音乐史的乐队。Sometimes it is necessary to trim those policies.有时需要改变原先制定的那些政策。At times the show veered from the sublime to the ridiculous.有时表演会从大雅变成大俗。Roland sometimes saw me as a shoulder to cry on.罗兰有时把我当成倾诉的对象。She worked as a stripper and did some acting.她以跳脱衣舞为职业,有时也演些戏。Buying a house can be an exercise in frustration.买房子有时是一桩让人头疼的事情。It can sometimes be difficult to tell fact from fiction.事实和虚构有时很难区分。He can be a bit of a scold sometimes.有时爱训斥人。He loses his temper now and then, but not often.有时要发发脾气,但不是常发。Criminals with political connections sometimes escape justice.在政界有关系的罪犯有时能逃脱理应受到的惩罚。People sometimes drag through life because of a chronic sleep deficit.人们有时因长期睡眠不足而疲疲塌塌地度过一生。Black cats are sometimes thought to be lucky.黑猫有时被认为是吉利的。I'd had the odd twinge now and again, but my heart-attack was totally unexpected.有时感觉到一阵奇怪的刺痛,但从未料想会得心脏病。Words are sometimes italicized for emphasis.有时用斜体排印单词以示强调。It's difficult not to judge people sometimes.有时很难做到不批评人。He sometimes let loose great invectives against the things he hated.有时他对自己所痛恨的事物破口大骂。My car has been performing very erratically - some days it's fine and other days it won't even start.我这辆车的性能令人难以捉摸,有时很好,而有时就是发动不起来。I sometimes think she's only nice to me when she wants something.有时觉得她只是有所求的时候才对我好。Even the most carefully prepared plans sometimes go wrong.即使是最精心准备的计划有时也会出错。Sometimes expensive drugs or other treatments can be economical in the long run.有时昂贵的药物或其他治疗方法从长远来看可能还比较划算。Sometimes a light remark jarred on her father.有时一句轻松的话就会刺激到她父亲。Anthony sometimes felt that his mistress was his superior in willpower.有时安东尼感觉他的情妇比他更有意志力。Their working relationship was stormy at times.他们在工作中关系有时也闹得很僵。The male will sometimes court the female for hours.有时雄性要花数小时求偶。I sometimes doubt his veracity.有时怀疑他说话是否老实。It is sometimes difficult to reconcile science and religion.有时很难调和宗教和科学之间的矛盾。




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