例句 |
To become wise, as we all know, is not easy.如大家所知,变得更有智慧不是件容易事。People, despite their intelligence, are curiously inadequate at communicating with horses.人类虽然很有智慧,但在与马交流方面却出奇地愚笨。Citizens were indoctrinated into believing that their leader was the source of all wisdom and goodness.市民被灌输了这种思想,相信他们的领袖是所有智慧和善良品质的源泉。They were very intellectual.他们非常有智慧。Only exceptionally bright students are entered for the examination.只有智慧过人的学生才被选去参加考试。Nature has dowered him with brains.他生来富有智慧。Richard's heavy-rimmed glasses invested him with an air of intelligence.理查德的厚边眼镜使他看上去很有智慧。 |