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例句 Police reports showed that the vast majority of crime committed by children was carried out by truants.警方的报告显示,绝大部分的青少年犯罪都是由逃学者所为。He dedicates most of his spare time to the pursuit of fitness.他把绝大部分业余时间花在了健身上。Most of the jobs and money are in the affluent counties of the Southeast.绝大部分工作和财富都集中在东南部的几个富裕的县。The prices of most commodities should be determined by market forces.绝大部分商品的价格应由市场力量决定。The vast majority of our cheeses are made with pasteurised milk.我们生产的绝大部分奶酪都是用巴氏消毒过的牛奶制成的。Most vegetable matter is compostable.绝大部分蔬菜都可以用作堆肥。Most pop groups have a very short lifespan.绝大部分的流行乐队存在时间很短。Those papers get the bulk of their income from advertising.那几份报纸的绝大部分收入来自广告。John had made over to him most of the land.约翰把绝大部分土地都转让给了他。Tolls are now collected electronically on most motorways.现在绝大部分高速公路采用电子收费。A high proportion of high school students enroll in college.绝大部分高中生都升入大学。More often than not, the student was quite scatterbrained.绝大部分时候这个学生注意力不集中。Most of these artists are self-taught.这些艺术家绝大部分是自学成材的。I strongly suspect that most ordinary people would agree with me.我坚定地认为绝大部分老百姓会赞同我的观点。She suffered from depression for most of her adult life.成年之后的绝大部分时间里她备受抑郁症的折磨。Most members pay their annual subscription by direct debit.绝大部分会员以直接借记的方式缴付年费。Why should the state get the lion's share of people's money?为什么国家应该得到人民的钱财中的绝大部分呢?The great majority of accidents in the Alps occur while climbers are coming down.阿尔卑斯山上的绝大部分意外事故都发生在登山者下山时。The journey will take him the best part of a year.这次旅行将花去他一年中的绝大部分时间。Most words that are made up of more than one syllable have at least one stressed syllable and one unstressed syllable.绝大部分有两个以上音节的单词都有至少一个重读音节和一个非重读音节。Western countries are overwhelmingly responsible for current levels of greenhouse gases.西方国家要对目前温室气体的含量负绝大部分的责任。The weather will be warm and sunny for most of the week.这周绝大部分的时候将是晴朗和煦的天气。There has been a modest upturn in most parts of the industry.该行业的绝大部分领域都出现了一定程度的好转。He considered that most of the people he had to deal with were loonies of one sort or another. 他认为绝大部分和他打过交道的人都非疯即傻。Like most microbusiness owners, she fears bureaucratic regulations and red tape.绝大部分微型企业的拥有者一样,她担心官僚规章和繁文缛节。The caregiving role is still overwhelmingly a female one.照料他人的职责绝大部分仍然由女性承担。Most publishing companies have made the leap into multimedia.绝大部分出版公司已作了重大调整,转而采用多媒体出版。In many countries medical services are state-funded and, for the most part, free.在许多国家医疗服务由政府拨款,绝大部分是免费的。We sell the devices mostly to big cable and telecom companies.我们的设备绝大部分出售给大的有线电视和电信公司。Most of the problems had been self-reported by employees. 绝大部分问题已由雇员自我报告了。Hospitals take the lion's share of the budget.医院得到了预算的绝大部分拨款。There is no suggestion that the plan will adversely affect employment in the city.课外活动适合绝大部分孩子的需要。没有任何证据表明此方案将对这个城市的就业产生不利影响。Nursing is preferable to bottle-feeding in most cases.绝大部分情况下,母乳喂养比喂奶粉好。Most retinal eye disease can be treated successfully by laser therapy.绝大部分视网膜疾病可以通过激光进行治疗。To be sure, most people are law-abiding, but crime remains a problem.必须承认,绝大部分人是遵纪守法的,但违法犯罪活动依然是个问题。His company currently has the lion's share of the market.他的公司目前占有市场的绝大部分The after-school programme suits the needs of most of the children.课外活动适合绝大部分孩子的需要。Most cell phone contracts lock you in for a fixed period.绝大部分手机合同会将顾客锁定一段时间。The great bulk of the work has now been done.工作的绝大部分现在已经完成。The people in that neighborhood are predominantly older.那个街区的居民绝大部分是老年人。




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