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例句 He can claim to have been defeated by opponents copying his own tactics.可以说是被仿效自己策略的对手们给打败了。The woman might have been, as it were, everything to him.对于他,这个女人可以说是他的一切。No one person can take credit for the invention of writing.没有一个人可以说是他单独发明了写字。The quarrel might have ended in violence – murder, even.争吵也许已经以暴力的方式结束了,甚至可以说是以凶杀的方式。Thank you, my friend, you kinda saved my life.谢谢你,朋友,可以说是你救了我的命。We now have arguably the best bookshops ever.现在我们的书店可以说是有史以来最好的。They were willing, even eager, to help.他们很愿意,甚至可以说是很渴望来帮忙。Football is practically a religion in some places.在有些地方,美式橄榄球基本上可以说是一种信仰。I think that it is not coincidental that we now have arguably the best bookshops in the world.我认为我们现在拥有了可以说是世界上最好的书店,这并非巧合。They can be said to be the largest conglomerate of Taiwan.他们可以说是台湾最大的企业集团。Arguably, the cliffs are the most impressive of all Irish landscapes.这些悬崖可以说是爱尔兰最壮丽的风景。I find some of his habits somewhat unpleasant, disgusting even.我觉得他的一些习惯很是令人不悦,甚至可以说是令人作呕。He was upset, even agitated.他很心烦,甚至可以说是烦躁不安。This is more like a down payment, or a deposit, if you like.这更像是首付,也可以说是定金。I've had an offer – a very generous offer, I might add.我得到一个报价,可以说是一个非常慷慨大方的报价。He could talk the hind legs off a donkey.他讲起话来可以说是滔滔不绝,没完没了。That rates as one of the best meals I've ever had.可以说是我吃过的最好吃的一顿饭之一。The island ranks as one of the poorest of the whole region.这个岛可以说是整个地区最贫困的地方之一。She married Keith Richards, the rawest of the Rolling Stones and, in a fashion, settled down.她嫁给了滚石乐队中最粗俗的基思·理查兹,勉强可以说是安顿下来了。After I had read the book I could fairly claim to be an expert.读完这本书,我差不多可以说是专家了。His acceptance of a huge loan from a shady businessman looks suspicious to say the least.他从一个不可靠的生意人那里接受了一笔巨额贷款,这事最起码可以说是可疑的。The discovery was something of a fluke.这个发现可以说是个意外。The sculpture of four presidents in South Dakota is a masterpiece of masonry.美国南达科达州的四位总统雕像可以说是石工技艺的杰作。In the modern world, Singapore is the most famous city-state.在当今世界上,新加坡可以说是最有名的城市国家。His voice was deep but gentle, almost sensuous.他的声音低沉而温柔,几乎可以说是性感。His style is almost hermetically unique.他的风格可以说是独树一帜。This is something of a grudge match against a long-term enemy.可以说是一场与宿敌你死我活的比赛。How can you say it's my fault that you lost your job?你丢了饭碗怎么可以说是我的错?He is probably the best-known bewhiskered American since Abraham Lincoln.他或许可以说是亚伯拉罕·林肯以后美国最著名的连鬓胡子美髯公了。Listening to him can be torture.听他讲话可以说是受折磨。It's a great opportunity, a paid holiday if you like.那是一次难得的机会,可以说是带薪度假。You are, so to speak, a fish out of water.可以说是像离了水的鱼儿。Her latest novel was very good, even brilliant.她最新的小说很不错,甚至可以说是杰作。Meeting his wife is the turning point of his life.遇见他的妻子可以说是他人生的转折点。The film is tasteless, vulgar and even badly shot.这部电影毫无品位、庸俗不堪,甚至可以说是粗制滥造。I won't tell you, it is sort of a secret.我不告诉你,这事可以说是个秘密。This is more like a downpayment, or a deposit, if you like.这更像是首付,也可以说是定金。The town can lay claim to having the oldest theatre in Britain.这个镇可以说是拥有英国最古老的剧院。It was probably the best concert I've ever been to.这几乎可以说是我听过的最好的音乐会了。The experience was, you might say, a glimpse into the future.这次经历也可以说是对未来的一次短暂的体验。




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