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词汇 绕着
例句 We could see the fin of a shark as it slowly circled our boat.我们能看到绕着我们的船缓缓转圈的鲨鱼的鳍。The horses ran round and round the circus ring.马儿们绕着马戏场跑了一圈又一圈。I skated a victory lap around the rink.绕着滑冰场滑了一圈,庆祝胜利。Many people dream of scorching round a racetrack.许多人梦想能绕着跑道飞奔。The plane circled the airport several times before landing.飞机绕着机场飞了好几圈才降落。After Dunseverik, the path hugs the clifftop near Brebane Head.过了顿塞弗里克,在布雷汉岬附近,山路绕着崖顶而行。The team warmed up for the match with a trot around the pitch.队员们绕着球场慢跑为比赛热身。The boat nosed around the bend.绕着转弯处小心翼翼地向前航行。The queue went right round the block.队伍就绕着街区排了起来。The dog circled him, barking.那条狗绕着他狂吠。The beetle wheels his droning flight.甲虫嗡嗡作声地绕着圈子飞。We walked all the way around the museum looking for the way in.我们绕着博物馆走了一整圈,寻找入口。!The earth rotates around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。The Earth goes around the Sun.地球绕着太阳转。The blades rotate around a central point.桨叶绕着中心点旋转。I always feel better after a jog around the park.我每次绕着公园慢跑之后总会感觉好些。The women were all dancing in a ring.这些女人全都绕着一个圈跳舞。He draped himself in the Canadian flag and went round the track.他把加拿大国旗披在自己身上,绕着跑道奔跑。She jogs round the park for half an hour every morning.她每天早晨绕着公园跑步半小时。He told the children to start moving clockwise around the room.他让孩子们开始按顺时针方向绕着房间走。The Earth revolves/goes/moves around the Sun.地球绕着太阳转。The Earth turns on its axis.地球绕着地轴自转。We're going to go for a jog around the park.我们打算绕着公园慢跑。They were going to sail around the little island, against the tide.他们打算绕着小岛逆潮航行。The battered old door was swinging on its hinges.那扇有了年月的破旧的门在绕着合页上的门轴转动。As every schoolboy knows, the earth revolves around the sun.地球绕着太阳转,这是小学生的常识。The Earth rotates on an axis between the north and south poles.地球绕着南北两极之间的地轴自转。The horses trotted round the ring.绕着圆形表演场小跑。They sailed around the coast to St John's.他们绕着海岸航行到了圣约翰斯。The vultures were already circling around the dead animal.兀鹫已经在绕着动物的尸体盘旋了。The glider flew in a wide spiral over the field.滑翔机在原野上空绕着螺旋形的大圈盘旋。They put an extra course of bricks around the pool.他们绕着泳池又修了一层砖墙。We did a circuit of the old city.我们绕着老城走了一圈。The processions wound themselves about the town in circles.一队队的行列在市内绕着圈行进。As the dog got more and more excited, it started running around in circles.那狗越来越兴奋,竟绕着圈子跑了起来。The horses set off at a cracking pace around the track.马儿开始绕着跑道迅速奔跑。People used to believe that the sun moved around the earth.人们以前相信太阳绕着地球转。He jogged around the circumference of the reservoir.绕着水库周边慢跑。The boys ran around the swimming pool, flicking each other with their towels.男孩们绕着游泳池追逐嬉闹,相互用毛巾甩打。The earth circulates around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。




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