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词汇 cozy
例句 There is a compact dining area, which feels cozy rather than cramped.这里有一个小小的就餐区,虽然小但是很舒适,并没有拥挤的感觉。The room was warm and cozy.房间温暖而舒适。The lamplight gave a cosy / cozy glow to the room.灯光给房间增添了一种温暖舒适的感觉。She returned to the cosy / cozy confines of her lodgings on the second floor.她回到了自己位于二楼的温馨住所。There was a cozy atmosphere in the bar.酒吧里有一种安逸的气氛。She sank back into the cozy chair.她又坐回到了舒适的座椅里。Come on, Paul, don't play cozy with me.行了,保罗,把话跟我明说了吧。They lived in a cozy little nest in the suburbs.他们住在郊外一个小安乐窝里。I found a cozy chair where I could read in comfort.我找到一把舒适的椅子,可以舒服地坐在上面读书。We stayed at a cozy/charming little inn in the country.我们住在一家舒适/迷人的乡村小客栈。I spent a cozy evening reading in front of the fire.我在炉火前看书,度过了一个惬意的夜晚。We had a cozy dinner with the whole family.我们全家人舒舒服服地吃了顿晚餐。Détente in their eyes stands for a cozy state of live and let live.缓和在他们心目中就是一种各自生活互不相扰的安定状态。I was charmed by the cozy country inn.我被这个惬意的乡村客栈吸引了。I wish I was at home in a nice cozy bed.我希望自己现在正在家里温暖舒服的床上。His political opponents accuse him of getting/being too cozy with powerful companies.他的政治对手指责他与实力雄厚的大公司关系过于密切。He claims that there is a cozy arrangement/relationship between the police and the drug dealers.他声称警方和毒贩关系密切。




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