例句 |
The cigarettes glowed in the dark.香烟在黑暗中发着红光。The old and faded lights radiated a feeble glow upon the walls.那些已经褪色的古老的灯散发着微弱的红光映照在墙上。Her freckled skin glowed with health again.她长有雀斑的皮肤又泛出了健康的红光。I was led to a small room bathed in soft red light.我被带到了一间笼罩在柔和红光中的小屋里。His cigar glowed in the darkened room.他的雪茄在暗下来的房间里闪着红光。These wavelengths correspond to red in the visible spectrum.这些波长相当于可见光谱中的红光。The end of the cigarette glowed in the twilight.烟头在黄昏黯淡的光线下发着幽幽的红光。Blue light has a shorter wavelength than red.蓝光的波长比红光的短。The evening sky flamed with red.傍晚的天空闪耀着红光。Eyewitnesses spoke of a noise followed by a huge red light.目击者说响声过后出现了一道耀眼的红光。The fire casts a warm glow.炉火发出热烘烘的红光。A red gleam flashed at me, vanished, came into view again, and remained.只见红光在我眼前一闪便消失了,接着再度显现,之后便停留不动了。Neon emits a characteristic red glow.氖发出独特的红光。 |