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词汇 紧要关头
例句 At this juncture it looks like they are going to get a divorce.在这一紧要关头,他们似乎是要离婚了。Things came to a head when the workers threatened to go on strike.事情到了紧要关头,工人们威胁要举行罢工。He seemed a satisfactory man until it came to the push; then he failed us.他好像是个令人满意的人选,可临到紧要关头他使我们非常失望。He backed down when push came to shove.紧要关头,他退缩了。She performed well as the emergency fill-in. 作为紧要关头的临时替补,她表现得不错。History and geography have conspired to bring Greece to a moment of decision.历史和地理因素共同将希腊推至作出抉择的紧要关头You could always depend on him when the clutch came.紧要关头你总能指望他挺身而出。Nothing seems certain in this crucial period in Pakistan's political life.在巴基斯坦政治历史上的这个紧要关头,一切皆非定数。When it comes to the crunch they will support us.紧要关头他们会支持我们的。The situation has reached a critical point.局势到了紧要关头We stick Elastoplast over the crisis with gimmicks such as on-the-spot fines, curfews and anti-social behaviour orders.紧要关头,我们用各种小把戏充当权宜之计,如当场罚款、宵禁和反社会行为禁令。This incident brought matters to a head.这事件使事态达到紧要关头They arrived in the nick of time to save us.紧要关头他们正好赶到来救我们。The city became a flash point as political tensions grew.政治形势越发紧张,这个城市处于一触即发的紧要关头The business in hand was approaching some kind of climax.手头的生意似乎快到紧要关头了。The matter came to a head in early September.九月初,事情到了紧要关头Tomorrow, though, is the crunch.明天可就是紧要关头了。




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