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词汇 corporate
例句 Protesters have called the building a monument to corporate greed.抗议者称这座大楼是企业贪婪的永久见证。The oversight body will regulate and discipline corporate accountants.这个监督机构将对公司会计加以管理和约束。The engineering group are trying to cast off an image of corporate excess.这家工程集团公司正在努力摆脱企业花费无度的形象。A bunch of corporate types in suits were sitting at the table in the conference room.一群身着西装的企业人士围坐在会议室的桌子旁。He supports tough penalties against corporate miscreants.他赞成严惩企业不法分子。Casual dress has become a way of life in corporate Britain.在英国这个组成国家,穿便装已经成了一种生活方式。The present system does little to deter corporate crime.目前的体制对于法人犯罪没有什么威慑作用。The corporate world is plagued by avarice and a thirst for power.企业界深受贪念和权力欲的困扰。I was pretty low on the corporate food chain.我在森严的公司等级中地位相当低。Our department has become the servant of corporate headquarters.我们部门已经成为公司总部的一个工具。He is moving up rapidly in the corporate world.他在企业界的地位迅速提升。They regard the change in corporate culture with a certain indifference.他们对公司文化的变化有点儿无动于衷。A survey of recent corporate layoffs reveals a new trend in business management.对最近公司裁员的一项调查揭示了企业管理的新趋势。They no longer expect corporate profits to improve.他们不再期待公司利润会增长。The bar was crowded with corporate types in suits.酒吧挤满了西装革履的企业界人士。Some companies are introducing ethics into their corporate culture in a big way.一些公司正在把伦理道德大力引入它们的企业文化。Few analysts can reliably estimate corporate profits.没有几个分析师能准确估算出公司的盈利情况。You are now authorized to draw checks from the corporate account.经授权,你现在可以开支票从公司账户取款。They hired a thundering herd of corporate executives.他们雇用了一群杰出的公司管理人员。He was a successful corporate lawyer who numbered among his clients J.P. Morgan and Standard Oil.他是一位成功的公司法律顾问,被看作是他的客户摩根大通集团和标准石油公司的一员。The project's failure is now seen as emblematic of poor corporate judgment.该项目的失败表明企业判断失误。The business is a corporate entity.这家企业是一个法人实体。Vince is vice-president of corporate communications.文斯是负责公司通讯方面的副总裁。She argues that sexual discrimination remains a pervasive element in corporate culture.她论证说,性别歧视在公司文化中仍旧普遍存在。A reduction in corporate tax should act as a stimulus to economic activity.公司税的降低应该能够成为对经济活动的一种刺激。We want to have a fresh look at the difficult subject of corporate fraud.我们想从新的角度探讨一下公司欺诈这个棘手的话题。Is there a corporate identity shared by all Asian countries?所有的亚洲国家是否都具有某个共同的特征?She has been steadily moving up the corporate ladder.她在公司晋升制度中稳步上升。Without generous corporate sponsorship, the ballet company would not have survived.没有公司的大力资助,这个芭蕾舞团早已不复存在了。The company's old headquarters didn't go with their corporate image.这家公司的旧总部与他们的公司形象不相称。Investor sentiment was running against corporate America.投资者情绪目前不利于美国整体的发展。Another company to tailor its offering for corporate customers is Choice Hotels.另一家调整自己的产品以便适应集团型客户的公司是精选国际酒店集团。After qualifying, she joined the NatWest Bank as a corporate advisor.她取得资格后就成为了国民威斯敏斯特银行的一名公司顾问。She began her ascent up the corporate ladder as a secretary. 她从秘书做起,在公司的职位逐渐上升。Our corporate endeavours had so far borne little fruit.我们的共同努力迄今没有任何收获。She thinks the corporate world is dull and confining. 她觉得企业界既枯燥又约束人。He was on the bottom rung on the corporate ladder.他处于公司职阶中最低的一级。The investigation has uncovered evidence of corporate malfeasance.调查发现了公司违法行为的证据。The new owners hived off the best parts of the company to another part of their corporate empire.新的掌权者们把公司的精华部分交由他们企业帝国的另一部门管理。This is among the worst examples of corporate greed.这是商业公司无比贪婪的例子之一。




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