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词汇 索引
例句 All the indices used are completely scorable by the computer.所用的全部索引完全可用计算机取得。I riffled through the pages until I reached the index.我快速翻至索引部分。The index of a book comes at the end.一本书的索引在书的末尾。A quarter of this vast archive has been indexed.这一内容庞大的档案有四分之一已经编入目录索引The index is at the back of the book.索引在书末尾。The index is arranged in alphabetical order.索引按字母顺序排列。Each term in the book is indexed.这本书中的每一个术语都被列入索引She's indexed the book by author, by age, and by illustrator.她按照作者、年龄和插图画家为这本书编了索引The book is completely bereft of an index.这本书连个索引也没有。All persons mentioned are carefully indexed.所有提到的人名都仔细作了索引A very complete index provides easy reference to topics in the book.非常完整的索引使得读者很容易查阅该书中讨论的主题。The card catalog is an index to the materials in the library.卡片目录是图书馆资料的一个索引Why don't you look up her name in the index?你为什么不在索引里查找她的名字呢?If index data for image processing systems are corrupted, users will likely be relying on the wrong images.如果图像处理系统的索引数据被毁坏,用户很可能会错误地使用了其它图像文件。The phone book is indexed alphabetically, so you may flip instantly to any number you wish.由于电话号码簿按字母顺序做了索引,你可以立即翻到你所要的号码。I couldn't find the word in the index.我在索引里找不到这个词。She flipped to the index and found the information she needed.她翻到索引,找到了所需的资料。The archive offers a central facility for cataloguing and indexing data.档案馆提供编制数据目录和索引的集中服务。His book is a massive concordance, whereby each poem Auden wrote is listed, described and explained.他的书是一部庞大的语词索引,其中奥登写的每一首诗都被列出,并加以描述和解释。The book contains a lot of information, but it's not very well indexed.这本书的信息很丰富,但索引做得不好。He followed out all the index references in the encyclopedia until he found what he wanted to know.他在百科全书内根据索引查遍了所有的有关条目,最终找到了他想要知道的内容。The index is at the front.索引印在书的前页。The reports are indexed by subject.这些报告按主题被编了索引The topic I was interested in didn't appear in the index.我感兴趣的那个题目没收进索引There's even a special subject index.甚至有一个专项索引The book has clear cross-references and a good index.这本书的参见说明很清楚,索引也做得很好。This search engine has indexed hundreds of millions of Web sites.这个搜索引擎给几亿个网址设置了索引He'd created a Shakespeare concordance program for his personal study.他为自己的个人研究编写了一个莎士比亚语词索引程序。It's a lot quicker if you use the index.利用索引就快得多了。This vast archive has been indexed and made accessible to researchers.这个存量巨大的档案室的所有文件都已编了索引,可供研究人员使用。He worked on a concordance of the unpublished texts.他致力于编纂未刊行本的语词索引It's very simple to upgrade the indexing software.升级索引软件很简单。




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