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词汇 精神科
例句 The psychiatrist offered him an escape hatch from his feelings of guilt.精神科医师找到了办法帮助他消除负罪感。He discontinued his visits to the psychiatrist.他不再去精神科医生那里看病。Dulcy also saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.达尔茜还看过一位精神科医生,他使用催眠术帮她消除恐惧。She works in the cancer/maternity/psychiatric ward.她在癌症/产科/精神科病房工作。She spends several hours a week on the psychiatrist's couch.她每周都要看几个小时的精神科医生。The psychiatrist took her off antidepressants.那位精神科医生让她停止服用抗抑郁药。I made an appointment to see a psychiatrist the following week.我约好了下周去看精神科医生。The school is staffed with handpicked educators and psychiatric specialists.这所学校配备有精英教员和精神科专家。She saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.她去看了一位用催眠术帮她克服恐惧感的精神科医生。She's in the burns/paediatric/psychiatric unit.她在烧伤科/儿科/精神科The neurologist thinks that anxiety is the primary cause of your insomnia.精神科医生认为,焦虑是你失眠的主因。Alex will probably be seeing a psychiatrist for many months.亚历克斯今后好几个月都可能要去看精神科医生。Laycock is one of the most brilliant psychiatrists in the field.莱科克是他这个领域中最杰出的精神科医生之一。To tell the truth, I don't think much of psychiatrists.说实话,我不太喜欢精神科医生。At the recommendation of a psychiatrist, the accused will remain under observation.精神科医生的建议下,被告将继续接受观察。We finally insisted that he seek psychiatric help.我们最后坚持要求他寻求精神科医师的帮助。The strain eventually became unbearable, and Adam started seeing a psychiatrist.最后压力大得没法承受,亚当就开始去看精神科医生了。She felt better and the psychiatrist took her off drug therapy.她感觉好些了,那位精神科医生让她停止了药物治疗。Her psychiatrist told her she no longer needed to take tranquillizers.她的精神科医生说她再也不用服镇静剂了。The shrinks at the hospital said they think Gary needs therapy.这家医院的精神科医生说加里需要接受治疗。The psychiatrist considered behavior as well as personality before prescribing a treatment.这位精神科医师在仔细考虑过病人的行为和性格后进行治疗。Two days after his brother's death, Jim started training as a psychiatric nurse.哥哥去世两天后,吉姆开始参加精神科护士培训。Child psychiatrist Dr Goldman has written a book on anorexia in young girls.儿童精神科医生戈德曼医生写了一本关于年幼女童厌食症的书。Alex will probably be seeing a psychiatrist for many months or even years.亚历克斯今后好几个月甚至几年都可能要去看精神科医生。He wondered if the psychiatrist was trying to goad him into some unguarded response.他心想这个精神科医生是不是在驱使他作出一些没有防备的反应。The psychiatrist must learn to maintain an unusual degree of objectivity.精神科医生务必要学会保持超乎寻常的客观态度。My doctor put me in touch with a psychiatrist.我的医生为我联系了一位精神科医生。Under cross-examination, the psychiatrist admitted that he could not be sure of his diagnosis.经反复盘问,这位精神科医生承认,他对自己的诊断没有把握。He went to a psychiatrist about his compulsive gambling.他去看精神科医生以戒除赌瘾。Several of the psychiatrists admitted to having sexual relationships with patients.有几位精神科医生承认与病人有性关系。




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