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They were both darkly dressed in business suits. 他们两个都穿着深色公务西装。Joanne's freckles stood out darkly against her pale skin.乔安妮的雀斑在她的白皙皮肤的衬托下显得颜色更深了。She hinted darkly that something had happened to him.她可怕地暗示到他已经出事了。Some senators muttered darkly about the threat to national security.一些参议员私下里在谈着国家安全面临的威胁。He was a slim, solemn, darkly handsome young man.他是个身材修长、表情庄重、皮肤黝黑的帅小伙。Helen began muttering darkly about hospitals.海伦开始气呼呼地讲起医院。Mrs Pardell had hinted darkly that he had been drinking.帕德尔夫人曾模糊地暗示他一直在喝酒。The stories range from the darkly humorous to the despairing.故事内容从黑色幽默到绝望都有。His figure could be seen darkly on the foggy moor.雾蒙蒙的荒原上可以隐隐约约看到他的身影。A figure stood darkly outlined against the window.一个人影站立着,在窗上映出黑乎乎的轮廓。She hinted darkly that all was not well.她悲观地暗示并非一切都顺利。Von Otter was superb both in the darkly dramatic songs, and in the lighter ones.冯·奥特无论是演唱严肃的戏剧曲目还是较为轻松愉快的歌曲时,都表现得无可挑剔。The atmosphere after Wednesday's debut was as darkly comic as the film itself.星期三首映之后的气氛就如电影本身一样,充满了黑色喜剧色彩。Her thoughts circled darkly round Bernard's strange behaviour.她为伯纳德的古怪举动忧心忡忡。She had large eyes that were darkly outlined in black.她有一双大眼睛,描着黑色的眼线。His movie is a darkly comic portrayal of a troubled family.他的电影以黑色喜剧手法对一个问题家庭进行了描绘。The river rolled darkly brown and turgid.河水流动不畅,翻着浊黄的浪花。She scowled darkly and muttered something under her breath.她阴沉着脸,小声嘟囔着什么。He was going to flip, she thought darkly.他快要失控了,她悲观地想。She hinted darkly that they might regret not helping her.她以威胁的口气暗示他们或许会后悔没有帮助她。They shake their heads and mutter darkly.他们一边摇头,一边阴沉地小声嘀咕。His darkly smouldering eyes never left her face.他那双性感迷人的黑眼睛一直盯着她的面庞。The water moved darkly around the body, unpleasantly thick and brown.黏稠的棕黑色污水在尸体周围流动着,非常恶心。He spoke darkly of the coming war.他悲伤地谈到即将到来的战争。The tea was darkly amber, the way he liked it.茶呈暗琥珀色,正是他希望的样子。 |