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词汇 精明
例句 Her brother is a shrewd businessman.她兄弟是个精明的生意人。She had a clever lawyer, and was never punished for the murder.她有个精明的律师,因此一直没有为那起谋杀案受到惩罚。Smart investors quickly accommodated themselves to the new market conditions. = Smart investors quickly became accommodated to the new market conditions.精明的投资者很快使自己适应了新的市场环境。Are you a shrewd businessman, quick to see an opportunity or a bargain?你算不算是一个能迅速抓住机会或合算的交易的精明商人?Crafty entrepreneurs like Harper profited from the ignorance of the masses.像哈珀之类精明的企业家利用大众的无知来获利。His natural shrewdness tells him what is needed to succeed.他与生俱来的精明告诉他成功所需要的一切。They get smart accountants to help them dodge taxes.他们请精明的会计来帮助他们逃税。It should prove a shrewd investment.这将是一项精明的投资。She's far too canny to keep her money in this country. She's got it safely hidden away in Switzerland, I expect.她很精明,才不会把钱存在这个国家呢。我估计她把钱安全地存放在瑞士了。The older kids outsmart the young ones when trading cards.交换集换卡的时候,大些的孩子比小孩子更精明The canny Premier covered his back by pointing out that he was of Scottish stock.精明狡猾的首相辩解说自己是苏格兰血统。She has a wise, compassionate face.她有一张精明而慈悲的脸。Salt and Peppa are two streetwise and sassy girls from Queens.索尔特和佩帕是两个来自皇后区的精明泼辣的女孩。Pete Chambers is a canny fellow. Not one to miss an opportunity.皮特·钱伯斯是个精明的家伙,不是会错过机会的那种人。He made a series of astute business decisions.他作出了一系列精明的商业决策。She is fashion-conscious, sexy and smart.她讲究时尚,性感,精明He came across as streetwise, but in reality he was not.他看似很精明,实际上却是个糊涂蛋。Most viragos are shrewd.多数的悍妇都很精明Smart managers will hedge against price increases.精明的经营者会采取措施防范价格上涨带来的损失。He became wealthy by shrewd investment of his money in the stock market.他靠在股市的精明投资富了起来。Don't worry. They're wise in the ways of finances.别担心,他们在财务方面是很精明的。A good politician knows how to handle the press.精明的政治人物懂得如何与媒体打交道。Any smart employer would prefer to hire an experienced worker over an unknown.精明的雇主都更愿聘用有经验的工人而不是一无所知的人。These boys are sussed and streetwise.这些男孩什么都懂,精明得很。It isn't wise to be too clever. Sometimes you overreach yourself.精明未必好,有时会弄巧成拙。She showed great policy in her decision.她在作决定时表现得异常精明Komansky, the new chairman of the company, is a smart, straightforward, engaging fellow.公司的新主席科曼斯基是个很精明、爽快、讨人喜欢的家伙。His many admirers describe him as clever: his enemies as too clever by half.他的许多仰慕者说他很聪明,而他的敌人认为他精明过了头。My mother had consequently made her own shrewd deductions about what was going on in my marriage.我母亲已据此对我的婚姻状况作出了她自己精明的推断。He's a shrewd businessman.他是个精明的商人。His sharp business acumen meant he quickly rose to the top.精明的商业头脑令其青云直上。He was a smart operator. Don't underestimate him.他这个人精明圆滑,可别小瞧了他。Their lawyer was really on the ball.他们的律师确实很精明She was thin and spare, with a sharply intelligent face.她又高又瘦,一副精明过人的模样。He's a shrewd businessman and hard as nails.他是一个既精明又铁石心肠的生意人。The canny Premier covered his back by pointing out that he was of Scottish stock.精明的总理指出自己是苏格兰血统,为自己留了一条后路。She's a good/shrewd businesswoman.她是个不错/精明的实业家。As a manager, Watson is both shrewd and tough.作为一名经理,沃森既精明又强硬。He is a hard man in business.他是个精明的生意人。He is a shrewd politician who knows the limits of the possible.他是一位做事非常有分寸的精明政客。




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