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The two countries have initialled a new defence co-operation agreement.两国签署了新的防御合作协议。The charity works with children in less developed countries.这家慈善机构从事帮助欠发达国家儿童的工作。Huge projects designed to aid poorer countries can sometimes do more harm than good.旨在援助贫穷国家的庞大计划有时反而会弊大于利。Japan has a much lower crime rate than other countries.日本的犯罪率远远低于其他国家。People who live in poor countries have a much lower life expectancy.生活在贫困国家的人预期寿命也低得多。Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.久而久之,这项技术传播到了其他国家并得到利用。Aid to these countries is bound to run into billions of dollars in the long term.就长期而言,对这些国家的援助肯定会高达几十亿美元。Most modern kings and queens rule (their countries) only in a formal way, without real power.现代的大多数国王或女王(对他们的国家)的统治都只是形式上的,并不握有实权。Relations between the two countries have plumbed new depths.两国关系已降到了最低谷。Some donor countries have criticized the way in which their aid is being distributed.一些捐赠国家对援助物品的分配方法提出了批评。Congress has the power to declare war on/against other countries.国会有权向他国宣战。Designers from both countries got together and held a joint exhibition.两国设计师共聚一堂,举行联合展览。The countries hope to devise a common strategy to provide aid.这些国家希望能够制定出一个提供援助的统一行动计划。He singled himself out in intelligence work in foreign countries.在国外从事情报工作使他功勋卓著。The two countries finally made peace.两国终于讲和了。Relations between the two countries have improved recently.最近两国之间的关系有了改善。He didn't know much about foreign countries.他对外国知之甚少。He has studied the cultures of various western countries.他研究了各西方国家的文化。We hope the spirit of friendship between our countries will remain.希望我们两国之间的友谊能长存。The two countries have been trying to maintain their military equation.这两个国家一直尽力维持他们在军事上的平衡。Our road safety record compares favourably with that of other European countries.我们的道路安全纪录比欧洲其他国家要好。The company outsources many of its jobs to less developed countries.这家公司将许多业务外包给不发达国家。The World Chess Federation has affiliates in many countries.世界国际象棋联合会在许多国家都有分会。Preventing a war is in the self-interest of both countries.防止战争对两国的自身利益都相符。The two countries will have to consult their allies.两国不得不与盟国商议。His visit is intended to strengthen ties between the two countries.他此次访问旨在增进两国间的关系。The summit leaders recognized that different countries would need to move at different speeds.参加峰会的领导人认识到,不同的国家需要以不同的速度发展。Both countries have much to lose if there is a war.一旦发生战争,两国都会损失巨大。The UN worked to pull both countries back from the brink of war.联合国努力使两个国家止于交战的边缘。The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.发展中国家背负着巨额外债。In many countries today only a privileged minority get the chance of going to university.在当今许多国家,只有少数享有特权的人才有机会上大学。Donor countries are becoming more choosy about which countries they are prepared to help.捐赠国在愿意帮助哪些国家的问题上越来越挑剔了。The two countries have maintained a harmonious relationship for many years.两国的睦邻友好关系已经保持了很多年。Health spending tends to rise disproportionately as countries become richer; but even adjusting for this, America is a case apart.随着国家愈加富有,医疗保健费用增加的幅度却往往与之不成比例;但即使美国为此作出调整,还是与别国不同。The relations between the two countries are still fickle.两国间的关系依然变化不定。Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming.富庶的工业化国家播下了全球变暖的种子。This overall figure conceals wide divergences between the main industrial countries.这一综合数据掩盖着主要工业国家间的巨大差距。The US is giving low-cost loans to help under-developed countries in the region.美国将提供低息贷款来帮助该地区的不发达国家。A number of countries have refused to ratify the treaty.一些国家拒绝在条约上签字。The two countries fell out in a bitter wrangle over imports.这两个国家在有关进口问题的激烈争论中闹翻了。 |