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词汇 团队
例句 His team created a computer simulation of the earthquake.他的团队为这次地震创建了计算机模拟程序。He never could quite fit in with the group.他从来没能融入这个团队The President's foreign policy team are keeping a close eye on events.总统的外交政策团队正密切关注事态发展。Together we made a pretty good team.我们共同组建了一支优秀的团队The group had a young, wholesome image.这个团队拥有朝气蓬勃的外在形象。The team met in the conference room.团队在会议室开了个会。The Disney team put planners in wheelchairs, both literally and virtually, so that they could see the hospital from the patient's perspective.在现实和虚拟两种环境中,迪士尼团队都让规划者坐上轮椅,这样他们就能从病人的视角观察那座医院。Mrs Buchan, on the other hand, was oblivious, keeping her assorted team busy.另一方面,巴肯夫人总是浑然不觉,一直让她团队中的各色人等忙得团团转。The team was given a roasting by manager Alex Feguson.这个团队遭到了亚历克斯·费格森经理的严厉批评。Even though they didn't win, the team made a good/valiant effort.尽管他们没有赢,但是他们的团队做出了巨大的努力/表现勇敢顽强。They credit good teamwork for their success.他们把成功归于良好的团队合作。The group spent several weeks tuning up its act before the tour began.团队花了几个星期为巡演作准备。We spoke with members of the show's original cast and crew. 我们和那个节目的演员和制作团队的原班人马谈了谈。Be a loyal team player in the company.做公司团队忠实的合作者。His name has been added to the team roster.他的名字已被加到团队名册上。His role in the group's success has been overplayed.他在团队的成功中起的作用被夸大了。The coach worked her team hard during practice.在练习过程中,教练对她的团队进行了高强度训练。She always tries to impose her own ideas on the rest of the team.她总想把自己的想法强加给团队其他成员。The lack of this feature is a major failing of the Rogers unit.罗杰斯团队缺乏这一特色,这是其一大不足。The team appraisal is a logical extension of the individual appraisal interview.团队评估是个人评估面试的合理延伸。I think in all modesty that I can take some small credit for the team's success.不是我自夸,我想团队的成功有我一份小小的功劳。Even her own party considered her shrewish and nagging, and cold-shouldered her in the corridors.就连她自己团队里的人都认为她泼妇似的,又爱唠叨,在走廊里看见她也不爱搭理她。The team pondered their chances of success.这个团队仔细衡量了他们成功的可能性。His team cannot afford any slips.他的团队不能有任何差错。The results from this unit are staggering.这个团队得出的结果令人吃惊。On a grey wet miserable day our teams congregated in Port Hamble.在一个阴沉灰暗、潮湿多雨的日子,我们的团队聚集在汉布尔港。She and her teammates experienced some setbacks along the way.她和她的团队一路上经历了一些挫折。Baseball is a team sport. 棒球是一项团队运动。John is Bill's right-hand man and has put a lot of time into the team.约翰是比尔的得力助手,为这个团队倾注了大量的时间。The human factor is crucial to success in team management.人的因素对团队的成功管理至关重要。They say they miss the group dynamic.他们说自己缺乏团队动力。We were surprised with/by the other team's level/quality of play.对方团队的竞技水平令我们倍感惊讶。The tour guides shepherded the rest of the group onto the bus.导游把团队中的其他人带上了公共汽车。He's not in sympathy with the other members of the group. = He's out of sympathy with the other members.他与团队其他成员的意见不一致。They are able to function as a coherent group/team.他们是一个齐心协力工作的团队It's now time to hand you over to our team back in the studio.现在该把画面转到我们在演播室的团队了。He was headhunted by Barkers last October to build an advertising team.他去年十月被巴克斯公司挖走,负责组建一支广告团队Coulthard's team were up all night preparing the car for the race.库尔撒德的团队为了准备比赛用车彻夜未眠。It was difficult to organize the men into teams.把这些人组织成团队不容易。It's the duty of each and every one of us to do their best for the team.我们当中的每个人都有义务为团队尽最大努力。




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