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You can count on me for everything in the future.你将来的一切可全靠我。He learned right off the bat that you can't count on anything in this business.他立刻明白在这一行业中不能依靠任何东西。She hadn't counted on it raining.她没料到会下雨。We can always count on them to help us in times of need. 需要帮助时,我们总可以向他们求助。He counted on his friends to get him off the hook. 他指望朋友们帮他摆脱困境。We can count on him for an objective point of view.我们可以指望他提供一个客观的看法。We could always count on him—he was our rock.我们总能够依靠他,他是我们的靠山。You can count on me.你可以依靠我。The basic point is that sanctions cannot be counted on to produce a sure result.最重要的一点是,制裁并不一定能带来一个确定的结果。The number of cougar attacks on humans can be counted on the fingers of one hand.美洲狮袭击人的事屈指可数。She is counted on as a leader.她作为领导而受人信赖。I wouldn't count on him to win the match.我不会期望他赢得这场比赛。I can always count on you to cheer me up.你总能使我振作起来。You can count on Dean to ruin any party.不管什么派对,迪安准能把它搞砸。You can count on her to hold up her end. 你可以放心,她会完成她应做的那部分。He knows that he can count on his hard-core supporters.他知道他可以依靠自己的狂热支持者。My parents might loan me some money, but I can't count on it.我父母也许会借我些钱,但我不指望这个。Can I count on your support?我能指望你的支持吗?We can count on him for a good wheeze.我们可以指望他出个巧妙的主意。He knows that he can count on the support of a hard core of party loyalists.他知道他能得到对党忠诚的骨干们的支持。You can't count on the weather being fine.你不能指望天晴。You can always count on Ted to make a mess of the cooking.你总能看到特德把饭菜弄得一团糟。Children count on their parents for love and security.孩子们靠父母给他们爱和安全感。He isn't someone you can count on all the time.他不是你任何时候都可以信赖的人。The presence of Paula was one thing he hadn't counted on.葆拉的到场是他万万没料到的。Doctors could now count on a regular salary.现在医生们有望获得一份稳定的工资。Don't count on Congress passing the bill anytime soon.别指望国会很快就会通过这个议案。With luck, you might cover your costs, but don't count on it.运气好的话你也许够付你的开销了,但别太指望。We knew we could count on him to deliver the goods. 我们知道我们能靠他完成任务。The government thought it could count on the support of the trades unions.政府认为可以指望获得工会的支持。He had always been able to count on her wise counsel.他总能从她那里得到明智的建议。We didn't count on so many people being on vacation.我们没有想到会有那么多人在度假。After a broken promise, it is hard to count on a person.一次失约,再要人相信你就难了。You can count on him for a truthful report of the accident.你放心,他会对事故作出如实的报告的。I'll be back. You can count on it.我会回来的。你要相信。I didn't count on his capsizing the raft.我没料到他会把木筏弄翻。You can count on them to be on top of things when problems develop.事情闹大的话,你可以靠他们来掌控。She counted on her sisters for moral support.她指望从她的姐妹们那里获得道义上的支持。You can always count on Michael in a crisis.在危急关头你总能依靠迈克尔。You can count on him to help.你可以指望他帮忙。 |