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词汇 definitely
例句 She could not put her finger definitely on the moment when it began.她不能明确地指出那是什么时候开始的。The mindset of that generation was definitely more obedient than today's.那一代人的思维模式比起现在的人肯定要更顺从。The incident is definitely a matter for the police.这一事件肯定应由警方来解决。There would definitely be some job losses; it was just a question of how many.肯定会有一些人失业,只是人数多少的问题。The assassination attempt has definitely spoilt the previously positive atmosphere between the opposing parties.这次刺杀行动无疑破坏了这两个敌对政党之间原本友好的气氛。The first applicant we interviewed was definitely a cut above the rest.我们会见的第一个应征者显然比其他人更为优胜。This is definitely an advance on the present situation.这无疑是对现状的改善。England have definitely been the weaker side, but I think they've still got one or two cards up their sleeve.英格兰队无疑处于弱势,不过我觉得他们还有一两张王牌未打出来。The play is definitely aimed at an adult audience.该剧的目标观众无疑是成年人。My father definitely had his flaws and failings.我父亲肯定有缺点和不足。The emergency generator had definitely seen better days, but they assured me that it still worked.这台应急发电机显然已经破旧,但是他们向我保证还能用。My luck's definitely on the turn now.我现在肯定要转运了。William is a young man who is definitely going places.威廉绝对是个前途无量的年轻人。Your dessert is definitely the best one here.毫无疑问,你的甜点是这里最好的。She's definitely got a good eye for a bargain.她确实善识便宜货。It was a great evening, and definitely worth all the hard work.那个夜晚太美妙了,所有的辛苦的确没有白费。We're definitely ready for the show tonight.我们的确为今晚的演出做好了准备。Evidence shows that global warming is definitely occurring.有迹象表明全球变暖确实正在发生。This season the accent is definitely on long, flowing, romantic clothes.毫无疑问,本季的服装以修长飘逸、充满浪漫情调为主要特点。I'm definitely going to get in touch with these people.我肯定会跟这些人取得联系。The new model is definitely an improvement.这个新型号肯定有改进。It was fashionable in the sixties but definitely passe in the eighties.那在六十年代是时髦的,但在八十年代肯定是过时了。Something should definitely be done about that.对此一定要采取一些措施。Calling someone stupid is definitely a term of abuse.说某人愚蠢肯定是一句骂人的话。Her attitude has definitely changed for the better since she started this new job.她自从开始新工作后态度确实变好了。I definitely recommend this movie.我的确看好这部电影。He definitely hasn't taken the job.他肯定没有接受这一工作。It's definitely my mother who calls the shots in my family.在我家里绝对是我母亲发号施令。He told them that no venue had yet been definitely decided.他告诉他们场地还没有确定下来。That's sound advice - I'll definitely bear it in mind.那建议很好,我一定要记住。The service is definitely an improvement on what we had last time.这服务肯定比我们上次得到的服务有改进。He said the move would definitely stem the haemorrhage of talent and enterprise from the colony.他称这一举措势必会抑制殖民地人才和企业的严重流失。Her face had definitely caught the sun.她的脸绝对被晒黑了。Things have definitely taken a turn for the worse.事情确实已朝着更坏的方向发展了。He is definitely one of the world's top golfers.他无疑是世界上最佳的高尔夫球手之一。Harry's definitely the right person for the job.哈里肯定是这份工作的合适人选。Many people have copied her style, but she was definitely the first.许多人模仿她的风格,但她绝对是第一个。Part exchange is definitely coming back.以旧换新确实在回归。He's been very unhappy and depressed recently, and his work has definitely gone down.最近他快快不乐,工作质量也明显下降。I won that point, I'm telling you! The ball was definitely in!我敢说,我赢了那一分!球肯定在界内!




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