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词汇 篮子
例句 The basket's function dictates its size and shape.篮子的用途决定了它的大小和形状。Jenny weaves baskets from willow she grows herself.珍妮用她自己种的柳树的枝条编篮子She brought out a basket heaped with fruit. 她拿出一个装满水果的篮子The little girl lugged the large basket up the hill.那小姑娘提着大篮子走上山去。I have picked out the bad potatoes from the basket.我已从篮子里把烂土豆拣出来了。The basket contained an assortment of sandwiches, cheese, and fruit.篮子里有三明治、乳酪和水果等各样东西。The basket that she was carrying fell open.她提着的篮子忽然打开了。A flower arrangement in a large basket stood on a pedestal in the corner of the room.一束花插在一个大篮子里,放在房间角落的花座上。A woman carrying a large basket barged past me to the front of the line.一个拎着大篮子的妇女从我旁边横冲直撞地挤到队伍的前面。My basket is woven from splints.我的篮子是用薄木条编成的。My hobbies are pottery and basket-weaving.我的业余爱好是制作陶器和编织篮子He saw the dog's twitching nose poke out of the basket.他看到那只狗一抽一抽的鼻子从篮子里冒出来。The seed cotton is doffed from the open saw cylinder into an overhead basket.籽棉从敞开的锯齿式滚筒中落到高处的篮子里。Investors should diversify their investments instead of putting all their eggs in one basket. 投资者应该进行多样化的投资,而不是把蛋都放在一个篮子里。She nestled the eggs safely in the straw in Jim's basket.她把鸡蛋轻轻地放在吉姆篮子里的稻草上。The little kittens and their mother were all curled up asleep in the same basket.小猫咪和它们的妈妈在同一个篮子里蜷曲着睡着了。He plucks Brazil nuts off the ground and tosses them into the basket.他从地上抓起巴西坚果,扔到篮子里。The waiter lifted rolls from a basket with a pair of silver tongs.侍者用一把银钳从篮子里夹起面包卷。Position trailing plants near the edges and in the sides of the basket to hang down.把蔓生植株靠边放,使其从篮子的四面垂下。He closed and strapped down the lid of the basket.他盖上篮子盖并用带子绑紧。He stood with legs spraddled over a large basket.他叉开两条腿站着,胯下是一只大篮子Anna and Rosemary arrived burdened by bags and food baskets.安娜和罗斯玛丽来时提着很多的大包小包和装了食物的篮子Those baskets are nice, and they only cost a couple of quid.那些篮子很不错,而且只要几英镑。Each basket is designed to perform a specific function, from carrying corn to holding babies.每个篮子都为特别用途设计,从装谷物到放婴孩都有。I'm so sorry, my dog just peed on your basket.非常抱歉,我的狗刚才把尿撒到你的篮子上了。The basket that she was carrying fell open.她挎着的篮子突然开了。The finely twined baskets are made with young, pliable spruce roots.这些编织精美的篮子是用柔韧的云杉嫩树根编成的。Hopi baskets are beautiful in both color and craftsmanship.霍皮人的篮子色彩和工艺都很精美。The apples at the bottom of the basket are smaller.篮子底部的苹果较小。The large log basket can be used to tidy toys away.大木篮子可以用来装玩具。He piled bread and milk into his basket.他把面包和牛奶往篮子里堆。China will continue to push ahead financial reforms with the hope that its currency Renminbi can be included in the SDR basket later this year.中国将会继续推动金融改革,期望在今年晚些时候能够让人民币加入特别提款权篮子He wired the basket to the bicycle.他用金属丝把篮子绑在脚踏车上。




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