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词汇 篇文章
例句 The article includes a list of the weapons the soldiers used to dispose of their enemies.篇文章中包含了一份士兵用来消灭敌人的武器清单。The article could serve the purpose of generating some discussion.篇文章可达到引起某种讨论的目的。The essay was overwritten and full of padding.篇文章篇幅过长,满篇废话。The editor pulled the article at the last minute.编辑在最后一刻撤下了那篇文章I had to read the essay out loud in front of the whole school.我不得不在整个学校面前大声朗读这篇文章You don't think the paper's a bit out of order in publishing it?你不觉得这份报纸发表这篇文章有点不妥吗?You should read this article - it would repay your time.你应该看看这篇文章,非常值得一读。The magazine article contained so many superlatives that I found it hard to believe that what it was saying was true.杂志上的这篇文章用了这么多最高级修饰词,让我觉得其可信度不高。Scan the newspaper article quickly and make a note of the main points.把报上的那篇文章快速浏览一遍,记下要点。The article is littered with mistakes.篇文章满是错误。The article expounds on the virtues of a healthy diet.篇文章详述了健康饮食的优点。The essay is sweeping/comprehensive in scope. 篇文章涉及的内容很广泛/全面。The article makes no reference to his first marriage.篇文章只字未提他的第一次婚姻。The article cast/put him in an unfavorable light. 篇文章对他进行了负面描述。The article is devoid of matter.篇文章空洞无物。The length of the article meant it had to be serialized.篇文章的篇幅意味着它得以连载方式出现。After some hesitation he agreed to allow me to write the article.片刻犹豫后,他同意了让我写这篇文章The essay begins with a survey of the relevant literature.篇文章的开篇概述了相关的文献。He hasn't gotten far with the essay. 他的这篇文章进步不大。His essay was a hotchpotch of other people's ideas.他那篇文章是将别人的思想取来凑合而成的。She includes citations from the article in her report.她在报告中引用了这篇文章的一些文字。This article is riddled with errors.篇文章错误百出。The task of producing the text was made easier by the unstinting help and generosity extended to me.在人们的慷慨帮助下,我写这篇文章的任务变得轻松了。He has written countless magazine and newspaper articles.他给杂志和报纸写过无数篇文章The article was badly written and full of typos.篇文章写得很差,打字错误连篇。The article does them both an injustice.篇文章冤枉了他们二人。The article made so much use of euphemism that often its meaning was unclear.篇文章用了太多的委婉语,以至于意思常常不甚明了。The magazine article was unsympathetic.杂志上的这篇文章毫无同情心可言。The article makes the government out to be the villain. = It portrays the government as the villain of the piece.篇文章把政府说成了罪魁祸首。You should read this article at some stage.你应该找个时间读一下这篇文章The article was moderate in tone.篇文章基调温和。The article discussed the illegal transport and dumping of dangerous chemicals.篇文章论述了危险化学制品的非法运输与倾卸问题。This essay is riddled with errors.篇文章错误百出。The article says that at least five government officials have been caught with their fingers in the till.篇文章称至少有五名政府官员因侵吞公款被抓。I have a rough draft of the article finished, but I still have to lick it into shape.篇文章的草稿我已完成,但我仍须把它修改得像个样子。I have rarely read anything so insultingly sexist as this article.我很少读到像这篇文章般带有侮辱性的性别歧视的东西。All the main ideas in the article are lifted from other works.篇文章的主要思想都是从其它作品中剽窃来的。The article charts how adverts, in the past and in the present, have succeeded in linking the cigarette with sophistication.篇文章记录了过去和现在的广告是如何成功地把香烟和老练世故联系起来的。The article runs to several hundred pages.篇文章长达数百页。The article is a diatribe against mainstream media.篇文章对主流媒体进行了抨击。




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