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词汇 to pieces
例句 If you take the bookcase to pieces, it will fit in the back of your car.你把书柜拆开就能放进汽车后部了。His shirt had been torn to pieces.他的衬衣已经被撕成了碎片。The old wreck had been smashed to pieces on the island's rocks.那艘失事的旧船在该岛的岩石上撞成了碎片。The parcel contained a gun that had been taken to pieces.包裹里面是一把拆开了的枪。The boat hit the rocks and was smashed to pieces by the waves.小船撞上了岩石,被海浪冲击得粉碎。Her performance goes to pieces when her father is watching.她父亲观看她演出的时候,她紧张得完全乱了套。Every suggestion was pulled to pieces by the committee.每一项建议都被委员会批评得一无是处。His life fell to pieces after his divorce.离婚后他的人生被毁掉了。The vase fell and smashed to pieces.花瓶掉到地上摔成了碎片。Every error is captured, every decision picked to pieces.每个错误都会被抓住,每个决定都会被骂得一无是处。The body had been hacked to pieces.尸体被砍成了碎块。The cup fell and was broken to pieces.茶杯掉下去,砸成碎片。I picked the bag up, and it went to pieces in my hands.我拿起那个包,结果它就在我手中碎成许多片。You'll soon go to pieces if you keep on working like that.如果你继续那样工作的话,很快就会垮下来。The tempest raved and threatened to tear the little boat to pieces.暴风雨肆虐,几乎要把小船撕成碎片。Bronnen watched his play being torn to pieces by his idol.布龙宁看着他的剧本被自己的偶像批得一无是处。I'm fed up with having my work picked to pieces.我的作品被贬得一无是处,我受够了。He took the toy to pieces to find out how it worked.他把玩具拆开来研究它是如何操作的。Wear thick gloves, otherwise you'll tear your fingers to pieces.戴上厚手套,否则会弄破手指的。The bottle slipped and smashed to pieces on the floor.瓶子滑落在地板上摔碎了。The country is being torn to pieces by conflict between fundamentalists and secularists.原教旨主义者和世俗主义者的纷争使得该国支离破碎。The stone plaque bearing his name was smashed to pieces.上面刻有他名字的石匾被砸得粉碎。He just went to pieces after his wife died.妻子去世后他完全垮了。He took the engine to pieces and reassembled it.他把发动机拆散,然后又把它重新组装好。Their marriage began to fall to pieces after only a few months.才过了几个月,他们的婚姻就开始走下坡路了。The furniture's falling to pieces.这件家具就要散架了。The old map fell to pieces in my hands.旧地图在我手里成了碎片。The critics pulled the play to pieces.评论家们把这个剧批得体无完肤。The ship went to pieces on the rocks.船触礁,撞得粉碎。The poor woman was pulled to pieces. Her makeup, her accent, her political opinions; nothing escaped criticism.那个可怜的女人备受指摘;她的气质、她的口音、她的政治观点,没有一项不遭批评的。If we mentioned the incident, she was likely to go to pieces.如果我们提到这件事,她很可能会垮掉。There came a violent report as the lock of the door was shot to pieces.门锁被枪击而碎裂时传来刺耳的巨响。His clothes were dirty and falling to pieces.他的衣服又脏又破。The table had been hacked to pieces.桌子被劈成了碎块。As the shirt fits badly, she will pick it to pieces and remake it.因为这件衬衫极不合身,她要拆了重做。The vase was smashed to pieces.花瓶被摔成了碎片。At that point the radio handset fell to pieces.就在那一刻,无线电遥控器摔得粉碎。The house is falling to pieces.那幢房子破旧不堪。Donna could tear your work to pieces, and frequently did.唐娜能把你干的活儿批评得一无是处,她经常这样。The club went to pieces after he left.俱乐部在他离开后解体了。




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