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词汇 to pick
例句 I arranged to pick up Mr Clarke and take him to his accommodation.我已安排好去接克拉克先生,然后送他到他的住所去。It's a great opportunity to pick up a car on the cheap.这是一个买便宜车的好机会。She arranged for a car to pick us up at our house.她安排了一辆车到我们家接我们。She bent down/over/forward to pick up a piece of paper and then she straightened up again.她俯身捡起了一张纸,然后又直起腰。I tend to leave the windfalls for the birds to pick at.我常常会把被风吹落的水果留给鸟儿们啄食。It makes my blood boil to think two thugs decided to pick on an innocent young girl.一想到两个恶棍要刁难一位年轻纯真姑娘我就怒火中烧。The yellow coat makes her easier to pick out in a crowd.黄色的大衣使她在人群中变得非常显眼。When he said that whales were fish, I felt I had to pick him up on it. 他说鲸是鱼,我觉得这个时候我必须提出质疑。I have a bone to pick with you!我对你有意见!I obeyed an impulse to pick up the phone.冲动之下我拿起了电话。I have to pick up my kids at school. = I have to pick them up from school.我要去学校接孩子。What matters most is sheer stamina, the physical and mental ability to pick yourself up after the latest setback.最重要的是具备十足的耐力,是让自己从上一次挫折中振作起来的身体和心理素质。Financial commentators think we'll see the economy starting to pick up early next year.经济评论家认为明年年初我们会看到经济开始好转。These days, I can afford to pick and choose.这些日子,我还能够挑三拣四。She bent to pick a red rose.她弯腰去摘一朵红玫瑰。Ruth staggered out of her bedroom to pick up the phone.露丝摇摇晃晃地走出卧室,去接电话。She used to pick flowers in the Cromwell Road.她过去常到克伦威尔路采花。They'll hold our tickets but we have to pick them up an hour before the show.他们会保留我们的票,但我们得在演出前一个小时取回。The hunters hid by the stream and waited to pick off deer as they passed.猎人们躲在河边,等着射猎从这儿经过的鹿。It's easy to pick holes in her argument.找她论据中的漏洞很容易。Are you trying to pick a fight?你是不是故意寻衅打架? We didn't have a receiver sensitive enough to pick up the signal.我们的接收器不够灵敏,未能收到这个信号。If a fire starts in an engine, there is a detection system to pick it up.一旦发动机失火,检测系统就会探测到。She stooped down to pick up a stone.她弯腰捡起一块石头。I'm fed up at having to pick up after you and your friends.老是要帮你和你的朋友们收拾残局,我已经受够了。Many women have been able to pick up the threads of their former career.许多女性已重拾以前的工作。I've got a bone to pick with you - you've been using my shaver again.我有件事要和你说——你又在用我的剃须刀了。I went to the office to pick up my paycheck.我去办公室领了我的工资支票。We were only freshmen, so the older kids liked to pick on us.我们才一年级,因此高年级的家伙喜欢欺负我们。I'm here to pick up my tickets - I reserved them by phone yesterday in the name of Tremin.我来取票——昨天我打电话来用特雷敏的名字订的。They hire day laborers to pick the apples.他们雇了些临时工摘苹果。We need to pick up on what's going on here.我们需要了解一下这里的情形。I have to pick up my prescription.我得去拿医生开的处方药。The thief used a wire to pick the lock.小偷用一根铁丝撬锁。The hotel dispatched a limo to pick us up from the airport.宾馆派了一辆豪华轿车到机场接我们。Another time, a neighbour came out and told the boys to pick on sb their own size.还有一次,一个邻居走出来告诫男孩们不要欺负弱小。I hurt my back bending over to pick up my child.我弯下身抱孩子时扭伤了背。It would be foolish to pick a quarrel with him.和他吵起来就太傻了。Industrial production is beginning to pick up.工业生产开始好转。It was easy to pick holes in the mound.土丘上凿洞很容易。




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