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Once a student has chosen a project, s/he should write a brief description of it.一旦学生选了一个项目,他/她就应该就此写个简要说明。Let me briefly elaborate on this.让我对此简要说明一下。The President outlined his agenda for the next term.总统简要说明了他下一个任期的施政纲领。We'll just recap briefly on what we did.我们将简要说明我们所做的一切。The proposed changes were outlined at a press conference.在记者招待会上对建议修改之处作了简要说明。Could you give us a short summary of what happened?你可以简要说明一下发生了什么事吗?She prefaces the book with a short account of what influenced her to write it.她在书的前言中简要说明了促使她写这本书的原因。 |