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词汇 broad
例句 Her companion had a broad Australian accent.她的同伴有很重的澳大利亚口音。I'm not going to break my back over them, but I'd like to be refreshed about the broad outline of history.我当然不会为历史而呕心沥血,但至少我想重温一下历史的纲要。The conference was attended by a broad spectrum of religious leaders.参加会议的有众多派系的宗教领袖。The organization is a broad alliance of many different groups.这个组织是许多不同团体的广泛联盟。He held out his arms with a broad smile.他满脸笑容地张开了双臂。Blowing air into an organ pipe creates a broad spectrum of vibrations that bounce back and forth inside.吹奏时,管风琴内会产生反弹回转的宽域振动。Private pension schemes fall into two broad categories.个人养老金计划分两大类。He used his broad executive powers to nullify decisions by local governments.他利用自己管辖范围广泛的行政权力废止地方政府所作的决定。Utilitarianism is a very broad, imprecise concept that covers a multitude of underlying theoretical positions.实用主义是一个涵盖了许多潜在理论立场的非常宽泛的、不精确的概念。He was mugged in broad daylight.他在光天化日之下遭到抢劫。She fastened her broad hat beneath her chin.她把宽边帽系在下巴底下。The broad valley led up to a high plateau of cultivated land.那个宽阔的山谷通往一处平整的开垦地高原。He had created a broad consensus among different groups of Americans.他已使不同的美国人团体达成了共识。The day sleeps over the broad hills.白天,连绵的群山中一片寂静。His shoulders are broad enough to bear the responsibility.他完全担当得起这一责任。He greeted them with a wave and a broad smile.他向他们挥一下手,热情地笑着向他们打招呼。An elm is a type of large tall broad-leaved tree.榆树是一种高大的阔叶树。The river is about 20 feet broad.河宽约二十英尺。She intends to chronicle the broad social changes that have occurred in this part of the country.她计划将该国这个地区发生的广泛的社会变革载入编年史。The crime occurred in broad daylight.这罪行发生在光天化日之下。These documents provided a broad outline of the Society's development.这些文件勾画出了社会发展的大致框架。There is a consensus among teachers that children should have a broad understanding of the world.教师们一致认为儿童应该对世界有广泛的了解。Fears that instability would return gave the government a broad base of support.对不稳定局势再度出现的担心令本届政府获得了广泛的支持基础。There can be wide differences of opinion on separate issues within a broad consensus.在广泛一致的前提下,在个别问题上可能有很大的分歧。He paints with broad strokes.他用粗线条绘画。The study group was selected from a broad cross section of the population.研究小组是从社会各界挑选出来的。They stole my car in broad daylight. 他们在光天化日之下偷走了我的汽车。The kid got mushy with the broad.那小伙子喜欢上了那娘们。The Conservative Party is a broad church.保守党是个包容各种不同政见的组织。In this section we contrast four possible broad approaches.在这一部分中,我们对比四种可能的主要方法。In this paper I will give a broad outline of the research we have been doing.在这篇论文中,我将把我们所做的研究作一大概的介绍。Belmont Park is a broad sweeping track which will suit the European style of running.贝尔蒙特跑马场有宽阔的弧形跑道,很适合举行欧式赛马。A broad smile spread across the old man's face.老人的脸上露出灿烂的笑容。Palm trees line the broad avenue.宽阔的道路两旁种着棕榈树。What baffles me is how anyone could escape from the jail in broad daylight.令我百思不得其解的是,光天化日之下怎么可能会有人越狱出逃。She has a broad cockney accent.她有一口浓重的伦敦东区口音。A broad hat shadowed her face.一顶宽边帽遮住了她的脸。He had broad shoulders and muscular arms.他有宽阔的肩膀,肌肉发达的手臂。He had a broad swarthy face.他有一张黝黑的大脸。There was broad agreement on the new government.新政府获得广泛认可。




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