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词汇 broadcasting
例句 How you look is not so important in radio broadcasting.在无线电广播中人的长相不是很重要。Meyer had no broadcasting experience when he created Midwest Television.迈耶在创建中西部电视台时并没有广播经验。He will be devoting more time to writing, broadcasting and lecturing.他将把更多时间用于写作、广播和作讲座。He has set himself up as a crusader for higher press and broadcasting standards.他自认是一位追求更高的新闻和广播标准的斗士。There was a tightening of state control over press and broadcasting.政府加强了对出版和广播的控制。External broadcasting soaks up more resources in Britain than elsewhere.英国花费在对外广播上的财力高于其他国家。That broadcasting station was in the ratings cellar.那家电台的收听率处于最低档。Satellite broadcasting is helping to globalize television.卫星广播技术正推动电视节目的全球化。The government has taken legal action to stop the BBC from broadcasting a documentary about the Secret Service.政府采取法律行动,阻止英国广播公司播映一部有关特工部门的纪录片。High on the list of public demands is to end military control of broadcasting.高居公众呼声前列的是要求结束军方对广播电视的控制。She wants to have a career in broadcasting.她想从事广播工作。We are broadcasting live from downtown.我们正在市中心进行现场直播。The channel is trying to reduce its obligations to produce public broadcasting such as religious programmes.这一频道试图减少其播出的公共传播节目的义务,例如宗教节目。Since early October, it has been telecasting by their regular broadcasting station.自从十月初的时候, 此剧集己经在电视台播映了。The BBC will have to concede some of its broadcasting rights for sporting events.英国广播公司将不得不出让体育赛事的一些转播权。His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting.与广播的真正成本相比,他的酬劳不过是九牛一毛。The resulting change in tone caused the BBC to stop broadcasting those bongs.随之导致的音质上的变化使英国广播公司不再播放那些嘡嘡的钟声。It is to start broadcasting no later than the end of next year.开播时间不会晚于明年年底。Critics feel the government has been slow in relaxing its grip on TV and radio broadcasting.批评家感到政府在放宽对电视和广播的控制方面步伐很慢。There is no evidence whatever that competition in broadcasting has ever reduced costs.没有任何证据表明,广播业的竞争使成本有所降低。He has made ABC a powerhouse in sports broadcasting.他使美国广播公司在体育新闻的广播方面成为一个效率很高的机构。TV channels are trying to hike up their viewing figures by broadcasting cheap game shows.电视频道都在试图通过播放低级的电视有奖竞赛节目来提高收视率。The broadcasting company is now very big in television.这家广播公司目前在电视业务方面非常成功。Deliberately broadcasting enemy propaganda to our troops is treason.故意向我军广播敌人的宣传是叛国行为。CBC, the state-run broadcasting company加拿大广播公司,国营的广播公司This is the BBC World Service broadcasting from London.这里是伦敦的英国广播公司世界服务节目。The station censored her speech before broadcasting it.电台审查了她的讲稿之后才播出她的演讲。They took the initiative in establishing an international broadcasting research trust.他们率先建立了一个国际性的广播研究托拉斯。The network makes no apologies for broadcasting the controversial film.对播出颇有争议的电影,电视网认为无须道歉。If this happens it will change the face of religious broadcasting.如果发生这事,将会改变宗教广播节目的面貌。The channel is trying to reduce its obligations to produce public service broadcasting such as religious programmes.这一频道试图减少其播出公共传播节目的义务,例如宗教节目。These broadcasting systems are cold-war relics.这些广播系统是冷战的残留物。The broadcasting corporation is proud of its independence of Government.这家广播公司以其不受政府控制的独立自主而骄傲。A caller to the broadcasting station claimed responsibility for the bombing.有人打电话给广播电台,声称对这次爆炸负责。Lack of impartiality is considered a cardinal sin in broadcasting circles.缺乏公正被视为广播界的大忌。The network was broadcasting the World Series from Candlestick Park when the quake struck.地震发生时,该电视网正在烛台棒球场直播世界系列赛。Practical experience of broadcasting and journalism would be valuable.广播和新闻方面的实践经验会非常有价值。The central services of that broadcasting company to some extent feed off the regional stations.那家广播公司中央台播送的节目在某种程度上是由地方台提供的。It's always been his ambition to break into broadcasting.进入广播业一直是他追求的目标。The programme was moving, not least because the narrator had the best voice in broadcasting.节目很动人,叙事人的嗓音极好是相当重要的原因。




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