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例句 The critics always say, "There’s no melody, the words are stupid, blah, blah, blah."批评者们总是说它“不成曲调、歌词愚蠢,等等废话”。There were various minor hitches, such as the sliding doors jamming.有各种小故障,比如推拉门卡住等等Boston has many famous watering holes.波士顿有很多有名的酒吧、夜总会等等Let's throw a party - birthday cake, balloons, the whole enchilada.我们开个晚会吧——生日蛋糕、气球等等一应俱全。If you would just wait a second, I could explain what happened.要是您能稍微等等,我可以解释一下发生的事。Someone should stay here to meet the late arrivals.应该有人留在这儿等等那些迟到的人。In my opinion, you should wait.依我看,你应该等等There is always something better the money can be spent on – a holiday, three-piece suite, upgrading a house. The list is endless.钱总是可以花在更值得花的地方,比如度假、买三件套家具、把房子改造一下等等。例子举不胜举。She spends her money drinking, gambling, and that. 她把钱花在喝酒、赌博等等诸如此类的事情上。I think we should hang on and see the end of the game.我想我们应该耐心等等,看看比赛的结果。We have to study English history, architecture and so forth.我们必须修习英国历史、建筑学等等科目。He endured everything, insults and all, without getting angry.他忍受了一切,包括侮辱等等,没有动怒。They said that they would pay for the food, music, decorations—the whole shooting match.他们说他们将支付食物、音乐、装饰等等所有费用。They will give you inoculations and things to cure you from typhoid, or whatever it is.他们会替你打针等等,以治疗你的伤寒或其他什么疾病。 They have a right to their own culture, their own religion, their own language, and so on.他们有权拥有自己的文化、宗教、语言等等I suppose he is quite romantic - he sends me flowers on my birthday and tells me I'm looking beautiful and so on.我猜他是很浪漫的--他在我的生日给我送花,说我看起来很漂亮等等His name? Wait a minute. I'm trying to remember.他的名字?等等,我想一想。She thinks we should go now, but I don't know. Maybe we should wait.她觉得我们现在就该走了,而我拿不准。也许我们该等等The bag was full of swag from the conference: coupons, samples, pens, etc. 袋子里装满了会议赠品:优惠卷、样品、笔等等Employees were always complaining about their wages, their working conditions, and so forth.雇员总是在抱怨他们的工资、工作环境等等Oh, wait a bit, can't you?噢,等等行吗?If you're a culture vulture, New York has everything you could want - opera, theatre, museums, and more.如果你对文化痴迷,纽约应有尽有¬——歌剧、戏院、博物馆等等We study Politics,Chinese,English and so on.我们学政治、中文、英文等等She started telling me about her bad back, her migraines, and so forth.她开始向我诉说她背痛啦、偏头痛啦等等Bob was always willing to talk about his work, his latest book, etc. Chris found it easy to bring him out.鲍勃老喜欢谈自己的工作、自己最近的作品等等。克里斯发现要鲍勃和盘托出是很容易的。Wait, I want to fix your tie. There you go.等等,我帮你调一下系好领带。这就好了。He has signed up people to foster dogs, birds, fish, goats, cows, horses, and more.他已经签约雇用人手照料狗、鸟、鱼、山羊、奶牛、马等等Hold it! We're not quite ready.等等! 我们还没准备好呢。I also enjoy windsurfing, tennis, racquetball, swimming, you name it.我也喜欢帆板、网球、短柄墙球、游泳等等,不一而足。Now, wait a moment - I don't agree with that.喂,等等——我不同意那样做。I was paying the rent and the bills and all the rest of it.我要付房租及账单等等We'll have to wait to see if sales hold up.我们还需等等才能知道销售量是否挺得住。The medicine was supposed to cure all kinds of ailments, ranging from colds to back pains.这种药被认为会治愈各种疾病,如感冒、背痛等等Whatever your news is, it will keep.不管你有什么新闻,等等再说。Wait a minute, I've got a better idea.等等,我有个更好的主意。We live in a world of duality, day and night, positive and negative, male and female, etc.我们生活在一个二元对立的世界:昼与夜,正与负,男与女等等Put your bags, cases and whatnot in the back of the car.把你的袋子、盒子等等放到汽车后面。I thought it'd be better to wait until later.我认为最好是再等等Life in Los Angeles has so many attractions - nightclubs, good restaurants, and so on.洛杉矶的生活有很多诱人之处——夜总会、高级饭店等等Hold on - I haven't finished yet.等等,我还没做完呢。




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