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词汇 符号
例句 They were ordered to desist from using the symbol as a logo.他们被勒令停止使用那个符号作为标识。Hand symbols in the main body of the text cross-refer the reader to the appendices.正文中的手形符号是提示读者参见附录。A dagger is a sign used in printing to draw the reader's attention to something.剑号是印刷中的一种符号,用来引起读者对某一点的注意。What does this sign mean?这个符号的意思是什么?For several years Prince used a symbol instead of his name.王子有好几年只用一个符号来代表他的名字。The symbols are apparently meaningless.这些符号显然意思不明。I am convinced that when we read a map we do not automatically translate signifier into signified.我很肯定当我们看地图的时候我们没有自动地把符号译换成它所表示的实物。We communicated mainly by signs, gesticulation, and mime.我们主要通过符号、手势和肢体动作进行沟通。The blackboard was covered with symbols and equations.黑板上写满了符号和等式。The book sets out to elucidate the meaning of the principal symbols in occultism.这本书旨在阐释神秘学体系中主要符号的含义。Chinese characters are just meaningless symbols to me.汉字对我来说只是些不可理解的符号You can form any and every number out of permutations of these symbols.这些符号的各种不同排列可以构成任何一个数字。Large sums of money change hands without any materials at all, but simply as numbers sent and received electronically.经手的一大笔一大笔钱根本不用任何实物,而仅用电子手段将数字符号来回传送。The singer became an omnipresent icon of style and beauty.这位歌手成了一个时尚与美丽的符号,无所不在。Use the key to decode the symbols.符号表来解读这些符号Children learn to read by interpreting visual symbols.儿童是通过对形象符号的理解来学习识字的。Some of the symbols carry meaning and some just represent sounds.有些符号具有含义,而有些只代表声音。The teacher drew a smiley face on the student's homework.老师在那个学生的作业上画了个笑脸符号Some tribes use special facial markings to signify status.有些部落使用特殊的面部符号来表示地位。She says that the symbol has mystical powers.她说这个符号有神奇的力量。The mark above the vowel changes its sound.元音上面的符号改变它的发音。The symbol ÷ is the sign for division.符号÷是除法符号Someone had scrawled a strange symbol on the wall above the bed.有人在床头的墙上乱涂了一个奇怪的符号The walls were decorated with religious symbols.墙上装饰着一些宗教性符号The dictionary includes a section on signs and symbols.词典中有用以说明其所采用的标记和符号的专栏。Where's the percentage sign on this keyboard?这个键盘上百分比符号在哪里?The number sign is the conventional symbol for labeling something measured in pounds.这个数字符号是计量单位磅的常用标识。Cornell University offers a course that investigates how language relates to particular cultural codes.康奈尔大学开设了一门研究语言与特定文化符号之间如何关联的课程。She fills her books with outlandish characters.她在她的书上写满了奇怪的符号He ended his e-mail with a smiley face.他在电子邮件的结尾加了一个笑脸符号A symbol appears in an upper quadrant of the screen.一个符号出现在屏幕上方的一个象限里。Each saint was depicted with his or her symbols, which provided a short cut to recognition.每位圣人都画有各自身份的象征符号,很容易辨认。This sign usually indicates a pedestrian zone.这个符号通常表示步行区域。I became more aware of the symbols and their meanings.我进一步理解了这些符号及其意义。




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