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词汇 懒得
例句 I was so uninterested in the result that I didn't even bother to look at it.我对结果完全没兴趣,甚至都懒得看一眼。I can't be arsed.懒得做。The papers didn't even bother reporting it.报纸甚至懒得报道这件事。My room's a total pit, but I'm too lazy to clean it.我的房间很邋遢,可我又懒得打扫。The soldiers did not bother to moderate their coarse humour in her presence.她在的时候,士兵们还是照样说粗俗的笑话,都懒得收敛。Some thieves do not even bother to melt down stolen silver for its scrap value.有的小偷懒得为了一点蝇头小利去把偷来的银器熔掉。He did not take the trouble to see the film before he attacked it.他在批评那部电影之前都懒得费神欣赏。I can't be arsed to go shopping this afternoon.懒得今天下午去商店买东西。Most of us are intellectually lazy about large areas of the world around us.对于身边的大千世界,我们大都懒得去思考。She can be very erratic; one day she is friendly and the next she'll hardly speak to you.她喜怒无常,今天待你很友好,明天又懒得理你。Most of the papers didn't even bother reporting it.大多数报纸甚至懒得去报道这件事。Maybe they just didn't want to ask too many questions, because they rented us a room without even asking to see our papers.也许他们只是懒得问太多的问题,因为他们都没要求看我们的证件就把一个房间租给我们了。He was fat, with a lazy manner.他胖乎乎的,一向懒得很。I can't be bothered to cook tonight.今天晚上我懒得做饭。Doctors cannot be bothered to explain what they do.医生们才懒得解释他们所做的事情。Everybody felt torpid in the heat of the sun.人人在烈日下都感到懒得活动。The owner couldn't be bothered to brand the cattle.主人懒得给牛打烙印。Most evenings I can't be bothered cooking.大多数晚上我都懒得做饭。He was too idle to switch off the television.懒得连电视都不关。He hadn't bothered to return her messages.懒得回复她的短信。It was hot in the garden, but she was too lazy to move.花园里很热,但她懒得离开。She sprawled on the bed as he had left her, not even moving to cover herself up.他离开她后她就摊开手脚躺在床上一动不动,甚至都懒得往身上盖点儿东西。She couldn't even be bothered to say hello.她甚至连招呼都懒得打。Thousands of people who should get welfare payments never even bother to claim them.许多应该拿救济金的人甚至连申请也懒得去申请。He never bothered to explain what happened.他向来懒得解释发生了什么。He yawns, not troubling to cover his mouth.他打了个哈欠,都懒得抬手遮一下嘴巴。He didn't bother to tell me about it.他都懒得把那件事情告诉我。He didn't bother with a reply.懒得给予回复。You can't even stir yourself to have a drink with them.你甚至都懒得去和他们喝一杯。He's so lazy it's unbelievable.懒得让人难以置信。You could have phoned us but you just didn't bother.你本可以给我们打电话的,可你就是懒得打。She couldn't be bothered with me and just buggered off.懒得理我,就自己走开了。Not even her roommate had cared enough to warn her.就连她的室友也懒得告诫她。He couldn't even be bothered to get dressed.他甚至懒得穿衣服。He wasn't a good correspondent and wrote only once a year.他是个懒得通信的人,一年才写一封信。It was so hot I couldn't be bothered to cook.天气很热,我就懒得做饭了。I never did a stroke of work at college.我在上大学时懒得要命。Some thieves do not even bother to melt down stolen silver for its scrap value.有的小偷懒得为了一点蝇头小利去费劲把偷来的银器熔掉。He felt too lazy to get out of bed.懒得都不想起床。I should have done more work this weekend, but I was feeling lazy.这个周末我本应该做更多的事,但我懒得去做。




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