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词汇 懈怠
例句 They need to stop slacking and get down to work.他们必须停止懈怠,认真开始工作。He had never let a foreman see him slacking.他从未在哪个工头面前表现出丝毫懈怠Many publishers have simply become far too slack.许多出版商就是变得过于懈怠了。The report criticizes the government's sloth in tackling environmental problems.该报道批评了政府在解决环境问题上的懈怠Your dereliction calls for the severest disciplinary measures.应当对你的有意懈怠进行最为严厉的惩戒。He complained of the slackness of his inferiors.他对下属的懈怠表示不满。His slackness at work has been noticed.有人已经注意到他工作懈怠He can be lazy about doing his work, but when he gets the bit between his teeth there's no stopping him.他有时会工作懈怠,可一旦认真起来,就拦也拦不住。The laxity of export control authorities has made a significant contribution to the problem.出口控制部门工作懈怠,是造成此问题的重要原因。He accused the government of slackness and complacency.他谴责政府的懈怠和自满。Dr. Jonsen seemed a little lackadaisical at times.琼森医生有时候似乎有点懈怠The FBI was either asleep or inept or both.美国联邦调查局要么是懈怠了,要么是无能,要么是二者兼有。The Colonel chewed Captain Pritchard's ear about slackness in his company.上校因为普里查德上尉手下的懈怠而严厉批评了他。Shareholders are blaming the company's problems on the lassitude of the CEO.股东们将公司出现的问题归咎于首席执行官工作懈怠She warned that there was no room for complacency on inflation.她警告说对待通货膨胀不能有一丝的懈怠We thought we were winning, so we got lazy.我们觉得自己会赢,所以就懈怠下来了。He has established an unblemished reputation for accuracy.他追求精确,从未懈怠,建立起了完美无缺的名声。




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