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词汇 笑柄
例句 His policies became the laughing stock of the financial community.他的政策成了金融界的笑柄His father had been a barfly and a town joke.他父亲是酒吧常客和镇上的笑柄You lay yourself open to ridicule wearing clothes like that.你穿那样的衣服会沦为笑柄的。He's in danger of becoming a national joke.他恐怕要成为全民笑柄Their product became a joke in the industry.他们的产品在业内成了笑柄He's the joke of the whole village.他是全村的笑柄He was sick of being the butt of their jokes.他已经受够了被他们当作笑柄He was the laughing stock of the class.他是全班的笑柄The team's awful record has made it an object of derision in the league.球队糟糕的战绩成了联赛中的笑柄Paul quickly became the butt of everyone's jokes.保罗很快成了大家的笑柄She was an object of ridicule with her classmates.她曾是同学们的笑柄English wine is sometimes considered a bit of a joke.英国葡萄酒有时被当作笑柄We risked becoming the laughing stock of the developed world.我们冒着沦为发达世界笑柄的风险。He was the scoff of the town.他成为全城的笑柄He thought he could embarrass us, but now the joke is on him. 他本以为会使我们难堪,现在他自己倒成了笑柄Her plans were held up to ridicule.她的计划成了大家的笑柄He's the joke of the whole town.他是全镇的笑柄The fact that Debbie is always late has become a standing joke among her friends.黛比老是迟到的事已沦为朋友间的一个笑柄Through his foolishness he became a mockery in the village.他因愚昧成了村里的笑柄The team has become the laughingstock of the league.这个队已经成为联赛的笑柄




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