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词汇 空话
例句 His diary was much more cry than wool.他的日记里空话远远多于实事。His speech was full of high-sounding words.他的演说充满了高调空话The movement is getting infiltrated with the result that militancy is a joke and protest an afterthought.这场运动正受到渗透,结果使得战斗性云云成为一句空话,抗议活动也变得可有可无了。He had no difficulty in speaking at length about nothing in particular and spinning out the time.他毫不费力地讲着长篇大论的空话,把时间消磨过去。All that talk is just a bunch of hokum.那不过是一堆空话而已。His promises turned out to be a lot of hot air.他的承诺到头来只是一句空话She's full of hot air.她满嘴都是空话Britain's laws on homosexuality are hypocritical humbug.英国关于同性恋的法律尽是虚伪的空话Shelley's friendship with Byron was rooted in their shared contempt for cant and hypocrisy.雪莱和拜伦的友谊源于他们均蔑视假话空话和伪善行为。The Secretary of State has given us nothing today but bland generalities.国务卿今天只讲了几句乏味的空话Her promise rang hollow.她的许诺听上去像是空话Allied military leaders have said they want actions, not words.盟军领导人说他们要的是行动,不是空话Another rise in income tax. So much for all those election promises.收入所得税又提高了。原来所有那些竞选承诺都是空话Assurances that things have changed ring hollow in many ears.情况有改观什么的这些保证在很多人听来都是空话The book has too much froth and not enough fact.这本书空话太多,事实很少。All that he says is just a lot of moonshine.他所说的统统只不过是骗人的空话Don't believe that political claptrap.不要相信政客说的空话We asked for a clear and honest answer, but all we got was a bunch of meaningless double-talk.我们需要一个明确而诚恳的回答,但得到的却是一堆没意义的空话Their promises are just a lot of empty talk/words.他们的允诺只是一些空话His promises always ring hollow.他的种种许诺听上去都是空话What is required is immediate action, not rhetoric.需要的是立刻采取行动,而不是说大空话If this is the case, then improvement in people's welfare and in the environment will merely be empty words.如果情况是这样的话,改善人民福利和美化环境只会成为空话Military leaders have said they want actions, not words.军方领导人说他们要的是行动,而不是空话Since then, there has been a lot of oratory and little else.自那以后,仅仅说了不少好听的空话而已。The Campbell government has been hoisted by its own petard by a lot of its pre-election rhetoric.坎贝尔政府为谋求当选而说的许多空话已经使其自食其果。The theory was dismissed as a lot of hot air.这一理论被认为是空话而没人理会。A Gresham's law of White House wind has driven out fine words in favor of more words.白宫空话的格雷欣法则把许多精彩的词语逐了出去,让位于繁文冗言。




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