例句 |
Move the cursor two spaces to the right.把光标向右移两个空格。Tick the boxes that apply to you.在符合于你的空格内打钩。Fill in the gaps on the diagram.填写图表上的空格。Our style guidelines call for indentation of the first line of each paragraph.我们的版式要求每段的第一行要空格。Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns.在空格处填入适当的代名词。Put a word in each blank to complete the sentence.每个空格填一个单词,把句子补充完整。The filename is a series of concatenated words with no spaces.文件名是一串单词连接在一起,之间没有空格。There should be a space after the comma.逗号后应该有个空格。Do not forget the spaces and quotes.不要忘记其中的空格和引号。If you have no children, enter a cipher in the space on the form.如果你没有孩子,在表上的空格里填零。Please make an indent at the beginning of each paragraph.请在每段开头空格。Fill in the blanks with suitable words.在空格里填上适当的字。 |