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词汇 税制改革
例句 The president effected the changes in taxes with a precipitancy that stirred up resistance.总统贸然实行税制改革,引起了人们的抵制。Over the long range, the most important step will be a general tax reform.从长远看,最重要的步骤是全面实行税制改革The government instituted a tax reform to stimulate demand.为了刺激需求,政府启动了税制改革They were very defensive about their party's record on tax reform.他们为他们的党在税制改革问题上的记录百般袒护。This newspaper gave a completely different slant on the tax reform.这家报纸对税制改革持有完全不同的看法。The changes to the tax system proved impracticable as they were impossible to enforce.税制改革因无法实施而被证明是行不通的。The president wants to make tax reform a top priority during his second term.总统想把税制改革作为他第二个任期的重中之重。Tax reform appears to be a nonstarter this year.看起来今年实施税制改革是没希望了。He gave a passionate speech on tax reform.有关税制改革,他做了一次慷慨激昂的演讲。The main plank in his election campaign is tax reform.他竞选运动的主要政纲是税制改革The rich will not benefit from the proposed changes to the tax system to the same extent as the lower paid.如果提议的税制改革得以实施,富人和低收入人群的受益程度将会有所区别。Once in power, the government set to work on major reforms to the tax system.政府一上台就开始进行重大的税制改革Tax reform will have the effect of improving the distribution of income.税制改革将会改善收入的分配。The tax reform was met with unanimous applause.税制改革得到众口一词的称赞。Mr Forbes said tax reform would be a plank of his presidential campaign.福布斯先生称税制改革将是他总统竞选的重要政纲。




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