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A huckster offered to sell Carnegie the formula for guaranteed success for $20,000.一名骗子推销员提出以两万美元的价格卖给卡内基一张保证成功的秘方。The product is made using a secret formula that the company refuses to reveal.这个产品是用一种秘方制成的,公司拒绝透露它的具体内容。The secret of this sauce is a couple of dashes of brandy added just at the end.这种酱汁的秘方是在最后加入少许白兰地。There's no magic formula for a successful relationship.成功的人际关系并没有神奇的秘方。The chefs are pledged to keep the restaurant's special recipe a secret.厨师们被要求发誓不外传这家饭店独特的烹饪秘方。 |