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词汇 cost
例句 The cost of living is much higher in that area.那个地区的生活成本要高出很多。The company has made heroic efforts at cost reduction.公司在降低成本方面付出了艰苦卓绝的努力。Her unconventional opinions finally cost her her job.她的新奇观点最终使她失去了工作。The cost of housing continued to rise.住房费用持续增长。An increase in the price of drugs has contributed to the rising cost of medical care.药品价格的上涨导致了医疗保健费用提高。Gas prices have risen, forcing companies to pass the cost on to the consumer.汽油价格上涨,迫使企业将成本转嫁到消费者身上。In a choice between the use of rail and car, the question of cost will come into the equation.在选择使用火车还是汽车时,要考虑到成本因素。How much does it cost? = What does it cost?这个要多少钱?How much would a weekend for two in New York cost?两个人去纽约度周末要花多少钱?They are making every effort to decrease the production cost.他们正尽力减少生产成本。Good shoes needn't cost the earth.好鞋子不必很贵。The error cost the company one million pounds.这错误使公司损失了一百万英镑。Do you have any idea of what these repairs will cost?你知道这些修理工作要花多少钱吗?Before buying a car you should consider the cost of insuring it.买新汽车之前,你应该考虑一下它的保险费用。The phone bill gives a breakdown of the cost of the line rental and of calls.电话账单列出了线路租金和通话费用的明细。The car cost him around ten thousand US dollars.这车花去他一万美元左右。Computers can now do the same job at a fraction of the cost.现在电脑也能做同样的工作,成本只有原来的一小部分。The cost of a policy premium is a small price to pay for peace of mind.若能换个心安,花钱买个保险算不了什么。They pass on their cost of borrowing and add it to their profit margin.他们将借款成本转嫁,将其算到利润率里面。The company wants to change its image as a producer of low-cost, low-quality clothes.该公司想要改变自己的低成本、低品质服装制造商的形象。The cost of raw materials was going up.原材料的成本在上升。Cook began his cost-cutting campaign by getting rid of a third of his workforce.库克以裁去三分之一的雇员来开始他的降低成本运动。His parents are making him work off the cost of the bike he ruined.他的父母让他干活以补偿那辆被他弄坏的自行车的费用。Most schemes attempt to reduce the cost of defence through a smaller regular army.大多数方案都试图通过缩减常备军的规模来降低国防支出。It is easy to overestimate the cost of this kind of research.很容易高估这类研究所需的费用。This deal will cost you more in the long run. 从长远看,这笔交易将使你付出更大的代价。The deciding factor was cost. 决定因素在于成本。The cost is borne by the purchaser of the property.费用由房产的购买者承担。It cost me the earth to have Jemima's teeth fixed.给杰迈玛修整牙齿花了我一大笔钱。The raid was foiled, but at a cost: an injured officer who was lucky to survive.袭击被挫败了,但也付出了代价:一名警察受了伤,所幸没有生命危险。We weighed the cost of advertising against the likely gains from increased business.我们权衡了广告成本和业务增加可能带来的收益。In the heyday of big cars nobody cared how much gas cost.在宽大型轿车盛行的日子,没人在意要花多少油费。A new paint job will cost you a bundle.刷一遍新油漆要花你一大笔钱。Building a new children's home will cost a lot of money but, be that as it may, there is an urgent need for the facility.建一所新的儿童之家要花很多钱,但即便如此也一定要建。All these improvements will cost money.所有这些改善都是要花钱的。It's hard to justify the cost of a new car right now. = It's hard to justify spending money on a new car right now.现在很难为花钱买新车找到正当理由。You will have to bear the full cost of the work.你得承担这项工作的全部费用。To call in a plumber will be many times the do-it-yourself cost.请管子工的费用要比自己动手贵上许多倍。Older houses cost a lot to maintain and inefficient heating is one of the biggest offenders.旧房屋需要大笔的钱来维修,效能低劣的供暖设施是最大的问题之一。It would cost a fortune to make the place habitable.要想让这个地方可以住人得花一大笔钱。




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