例句 |
He piloted his own plane part of the way to Washington.乘私人飞机去华盛顿的路上,有一段行程是他自己驾驶的。The landowners have had to sell their private aircraft.土地所有者不得不卖掉了他们的私人飞机。Private jets flew in from Dallas and Denver.私人飞机从达拉斯和丹佛飞抵。The biggest star perk, and the biggest power trip, must be the private plane.顶级的明星待遇和无上的权力体验肯定要数私人飞机了。We're flying - by private plane, natch.我们飞过去——当然,是乘私人飞机。The landowners have had to sell their private aircraft.这些土地所有者不得不卖掉自己的私人飞机。 |