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词汇 交通事故
例句 Many traffic accidents are the result of driver inattention.许多交通事故都是司机疏忽大意造成的。An accident on the London-Brighton road has caused a major hold-up.在伦敦至布赖顿公路上的一次交通事故引起了严重的堵塞。She lost part of her leg in a road accident.她在一次交通事故中失去了一截腿。He had an accident and smashed up his car.他出了交通事故,把车子撞毁了。The new drink-driving campaign comes after a rise in accident figures.随着公路交通事故数量的上升,人们发起了新一轮反对酒驾的运动。Her married sister had been paralysed in a road accident.她已婚的妹妹在一起交通事故中瘫痪了。Meyer's car was involved in a fatal accident on the freeway.迈耶的汽车涉入一桩致命的高速公路交通事故中。The accident tumbled us all out of the car.那次交通事故把我们全摔出了汽车。Reporters described the highway accident as a scene of carnage.记者把这次公路交通事故的场面描述成尸横遍野。Accidents are frequent where the two roads join.两条路的交汇处经常发生交通事故The statistics show that teenagers are involved in a high percentage of traffic accidents.统计数字表明,涉及交通事故的人群中青少年占很大比例。Only one lane is open because of the accident.由于交通事故只有一条车道通车。He had an accident, evidently because he was driving at excessive speed.他出了交通事故,据说事发时他超速驾驶。In the light of new evidence, a new enquiry into the crash is likely to take place.鉴于新的证据,对这起交通事故很可能进行新一轮调查。There have been unexpected delays on the freeway because of an accident.高速公路上因为一起交通事故突然出现拥堵。Many accidents could be prevented if motorists would slow down.如果开车的人放慢速度,很多交通事故都是可以避免的。The new law is intended to reduce the proportion of road accidents caused by drunk drivers.新的法律旨在减少酒后驾车引发交通事故的比例。Gallows Corner is a notorious accident black spot.加洛斯街角是出了名的交通事故多发地段。It is a fact that more children in this country die in road accidents than from any other cause.在这个国家里,儿童死于交通事故比死于任何其他原因的多,这是事实。The number of deaths on the roads has dropped sharply.交通事故死亡人数已锐减。There was a doozy of an accident at the corner of Vine and Maple this morning.今天早上在藤枫街角处发生了一起很严重的交通事故The traffic accident was in the news yesterday.昨天的新闻报导了这件交通事故Some twenty passengers were killed in the road accident.这次交通事故中约有二十名旅客死亡。I welcome the reduction in road traffic fatalities.我乐于看到道路交通事故死亡人数的下降。A major accident held traffic up for hours.一场重大交通事故使道路堵塞了几个小时。The traffic accident led to a chain of events.交通事故引起了一连串的事件。Investigators are working day in, day out to determine the cause of the crash.调查人员天天都在工作,以找出交通事故的起因。Each year thousands of people are killed and injured on the roads.每年都有数以千计的人在交通事故中丧生或受伤。Due to a major road accident, southbound traffic is moving at a crawl.由于严重交通事故,南行车辆行驶缓慢。A new plan for reducing traffic accidents was unveiled.一项减少交通事故的新方案首次得以公开。We've insured the car against fire, theft, and accident.我们给车上了火灾险、窃盗险和交通事故险。The monotony of motorway driving can cause accidents.在高速公路上驾车单调乏味,可能引发交通事故Her sister had been paralysed in a road accident.她妹妹在一起交通事故中瘫痪了。An accident involving over ten vehicles has occurred in the east-bound lane.在东向车道上发生了一起涉及十多辆汽车的交通事故The traffic accident attracted a large crowd.交通事故吸引了一大群人。This year has seen a big increase in road accidents.今年道路交通事故大增。As there are fewer teenagers, the crime rate may go down. The same holds true for traffic accidents.十几岁的青少年较少,犯罪率有可能下降。这情况同样适用于交通事故发生率。Road safety is taught to young children to avoid road accidents.教小孩子道路安全知识,避免交通事故Icy roads caused several minor accidents yesterday.昨天,结冰的道路导致了几起小型交通事故The hotheaded driver had another road accident.那个急性子的驾驶员又出了一次交通事故




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