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He would have earned more money in private practice.他如果在私人诊所工作,会赚更多钱。He's been drying out at a private clinic.他在一家私人诊所戒酒。She hopes that in a few years she can set up a private practice of her own.她希望几年后能开一个属于自己的私人诊所。She entered the private clinic under an assumed name, but the press still managed to find out.她用化名进了一家私人诊所,可媒体还是设法知道了。He spent months recovering in a private health clinic.他在一家私人诊所呆了数月才得以康复。She left the hospital clinic and now has a private practice.她离开了这家医院门诊部,现在拥有一个私人诊所。 |