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词汇 gas
例句 The new gas station would like to have your custom.新加油站竭诚欢迎你经常惠顾。She stopped for gas at the first station she saw.她在遇到的第一家加油站停下来加油。Sorry I'm late. I had to stop for gas.对不起,我来晚了,我不得不在路上停车加油。The gas is ignited by an electrical spark.一个电火花点燃了煤气。Coal is to be displaced by natural gas and nuclear power.煤炭将被天然气和核能取代。Is she still going with that guy who works at the gas station?她还在和那个在加油站工作的家伙谈恋爱吗?Our new car gets excellent gas mileage.我们的新车节油性能很好。They'd have a lot of hydrogen sulfide gas bound up in their cells.他们的牢房里有大量的硫化氢气体。She puts a piece of plastic tubing in her mouth and starts siphoning gas from a huge metal drum.她把一根塑料管放进嘴里,开始从一个巨大的金属桶里吸气。They disconnected the gas, and fixed the water heater to an outside wall.他们切断了煤气,把热水器装在外墙上。The chemicals react with each other to form a gas.这两种化学品相互作用形成一种气体。Mount Unzen has been spewing out volcanic ash, gas, and rock today.云仙山今天一直在向外喷涌火山灰、气体和火山岩。We ran out of gas on the freeway last night.昨晚我们在高速公路上时用光了汽油。The experiment went wrong when the chemicals combined to form a poisonous gas.化学物混合产生了一种有毒气体,于是这次试验失败了。One of the joints in the pipe was cracked and gas was escaping.管子有个接合处裂了,煤气由此泄漏。The days of large gas-guzzling cars are numbered. 高油耗汽车就快要退出市场了。He had left the gas on and the whole kitchen went up.他没有关煤气,整个厨房都烧起来了。The gas is stored in liquid form.那种气体以液态储存。Oil, natural gas, and coal are non-renewable fuels.石油、天然气和煤都是不可再生燃料。The gas is highly irritating to the mucous membranes.这种气体会严重刺激黏膜。We'd better stop at the next gas station.我们最好在下一个加油站停一停。His small allotment of gas had to be saved for emergencies.他分到的那一点点煤气必须留着急用。Natural gas is underpriced compared with electricity.与电相比,天然气的定价过低。We switched over from electricity to gas because it was cheaper.我们从用电改成了用煤气,因为煤气较便宜。Electricity, gas, and water were considered to be natural monopolies.电、燃气和水被认为是天然垄断商品。The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps.这台燃气轮机以它所抽入的燃料为能源。The car had run out of gas so they pushed it into a side-street.车子耗尽了汽油,于是他们把它推进小路。Methane gas does collect in the mines around here.周围的矿井里的确有沼气聚积。The flashing light means we're running out of gas.指示灯闪烁表示我们的汽油快用完了。The tax cut is meant to cushion the blow/impact of soaring gas prices.这次减税是为了减小油价格暴涨带来的冲击/影响。The refinery turns crude oil into usable products such as gas and tar.提炼厂把原油变成汽油、沥青等可用产品。Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen gas.臭氧是一种非常活跃的氧气形态。Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas.一氧化碳是一种有毒气体。They need to be putting out cars that get better gas mileage.他们需要生产出油耗更低的汽车。Use a match to light the gas fire.划根火柴点燃煤气取暖器。The cost of oil has pushed gas prices higher/up. 石油成本的增加使得汽油价格上涨了。Our first stop has to be the gas station.我们行程的第一站必须是加油站。Rows of stalls are given over to restaurants running off gas cylinders.数排摊位都让位给了使用煤气罐的饭店。He got a job pumping gas for the hotel guests.他得到一份为宾馆客人的汽车加油的工作。Our neighborhood will be piped for gas.我们这个地区将要铺设瓦斯管。




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