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词汇 Gas
例句 Gas prices have been pushed to record levels.汽油价格上涨到了创纪录的最高水平。Gas-fired power stations will substitute for less efficient coal-fired equipment.以煤气为燃料的发电站将会代替效率较低的燃煤装置。Gas officials are investigating the cause of the explosion.天然气公司的官员正在调查此次爆炸的原因。I was still fairly directionless, and went into secretarial temping for British Gas.我还是没有什么明确的目标,于是就去了英国天然气公司做临时的秘书工作。Gas and electricity have almost completely replaced coal for domestic cooking and heating in Britain.在英国,煤气和电在家居煮食和取暖方面差不多已完全取代了煤。Gas prices are inching up again.油价又在缓慢上升。Gas in the bladder may be related to a fistula between the bladder and the colon.膀胱气肿可能与膀胱和结肠之间形成瘘管有关。Gas, coal, and oil are all fossil fuels.天然气、煤和石油都属化石燃料。Make sure you tank up before you go. Gas is expensive on the highway.确保在出发前给车加满油。高速公路上油价很贵。Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.电灯发明以后煤气灯就被淘汰了。I bought shares in British Gas when it was privatized.我在英国煤气公司私营化时买了它的股票。Gas was detected in sufficient quantity to warrant careful monitoring.检测出的煤气量大到需要小心监控。Gas and coal are seen as cheap and plentiful.天然气和煤被认为既廉价又充足。Gas prices are expected to continue to escalate in the short term.据估计汽油价格将在短期内继续上涨。Gas is a very efficient fuel. And what's more, it's clean.天然气是一种很有效的燃料,而且还清洁。Gas prices are much higher here than in other parts of the country.这里的汽油费比国内其他地方高很多。Gas prices are at a record high. 汽油价格现在处于历史新高。Gas prices have fallen a little, but they are still much higher than last year.汽油价格降了一些,但是仍比去年高很多。Gas is escaping from the pipe.瓦斯正从管中逸出。Gas prices have risen, forcing companies to pass the cost on to the consumer.汽油价格上涨,迫使企业将成本转嫁到消费者身上。Gas is a poison.瓦斯是有毒气体。Gas heaters should only be used in well-ventilated rooms as they give off carbon monoxide.煤气炉会释放一氧化碳,所以必须放在通风良好的房间里使用。Gas rose in price.汽油价格有所上涨。Gas prices continued their dizzying upward spiral. 汽油价格继续飞速上涨。Gas prices are even higher in other parts of the country.在这个国家的其他地区,汽油的价格甚至更高。Gas prices always go up at this time of year.每年这个时候油价总要上涨。Gas is escaping from the tank.气体正从气罐里泄漏出来。Gas cookers are adjustable in height to line up with your kitchen work top.燃气灶的高度可调整,使之与厨房操作台齐平。Gas appliances are usually cheaper to run than electric ones.燃气设备一般比用电的使用起来要便宜。Gas cookers are used in the majority of British homes.大多数英国家庭使用煤气灶。Gas is now widely used for cooking and heating.现在普遍用瓦斯烧饭,取暖。Gas is piped into all the houses.瓦斯由管道输送到各家各户。Gas stoves can be used with greater facility than the old coal-burners.煤气炉使用起来比老式煤炉方便。Gas officials are investigating the cause of an explosion which badly damaged a house in Hampshire.煤气系统的官员正在调查一起瓦斯爆炸的起因,这起事故严重毁坏了汉普郡的一所房屋。Gas prices are up again.油价又上涨了。




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