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词汇 福利
例句 Foley had a junior post in the Foreign Office.福利在外交部担任一个小职务。Management and labour are dickering over pay, benefits, and working conditions.劳资双方正就薪水、福利和工作条件进行协商。Please contact the personnel director for benefit information.有关福利方面的情况请与人事课长联系。Our comprehensive range of benefits includes pension and health insurance.我们的全套福利涵盖养老金和健康保险。Employees can sign up for new benefits during open enrollment.在开放注册期间,员工可以登记申请新的福利It is certainly worth checking up on your benefit entitlements.当然应该仔细查对一下你应该享受到多少福利Britain still lags behind most of Europe in its provisions for women who want time off to have babies.英国在妇女生育福利方面依然落后于欧洲大多数国家。Foley raised his chin and jerked his neck as if his collar were too tight.福利抬起下巴,伸了伸脖子,仿佛领子太紧了。The building will be developed as a public amenity.这栋大楼将被开发成为福利生活区。They are genuinely interested in the welfare of their employees.他们对雇员的福利非常关心。The welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the community.个人的福利同社会的福利密切相关。Their neglect of his welfare chagrined him.他们对他的福利漠不关心使他感到苦恼。There are fears that welfare cuts could provoke a rebellion among left-wing MPs.有人担心削减福利可能会引起左翼国会议员的反抗。From now on Labour will be on the back foot on the subject of welfare.今后工党在福利问题上将处于下风。The union is oriented towards welfare capitalism.工会以福利资本主义为其奋斗目标。The government is cynically running down Swe-den's welfare system.瑞典政府正自私自利地削减本国的福利The provision of welfare is administered too meanly.福利分配得太吝啬了。They fund programs that expand health benefits to wider segments of the community.他们为将医疗福利扩大到社区中更多的阶层的计划提供资金。Voting through cuts in benefits to the poorest people is a matter of shame for all of us.投票通过削减最贫困人民福利的计划,是我们所有人的羞耻。This insurance is designed to fill a gap in welfare provision.这种保险就是为了填补福利服务没有覆盖的空白点。Union leaders have mounted an offensive against the company's proposal to limit health benefits.针对公司限制健康福利的提案,工会领导们已经发起了反抗攻势。The program has lived up to its promise to promote family welfare.这个项目恪守了其改善家庭福利的承诺。The local welfare office is where government dispenses many of its services.地方福利办公室是政府提供多种服务的部门。The present welfare system is grossly unfair.现行的福利体制非常不公平。She works hard for the welfare of the poor.她为了穷人的福利而辛勤工作。Sweden allows gay partners to receive many of the benefits awarded to heterosexual married couples.瑞典允许同性恋伴侣享受异性夫妻可以得到的许多福利After the company announced plans to reduce benefits, the union threatened to retaliate by calling for a strike.公司宣布削减福利的计划之后,工会扬言要组织罢工进行报复。Management and labor are dickering over pay, benefits and working conditions.劳资双方在薪水、福利和工作条件的问题上争执不下。The workers' feud with management concerns health benefits and pay increases.劳资间的长期争执涉及医疗福利和加薪问题。The worst-paid lead a hand-to-mouth existence without medical or other benefits.没有医疗补助或其他福利,最低收入者只能勉强维持生计。Foley has been particularly vocal in his criticism of the government.福利批评政府时尤其直言不讳。They will use the grant to fund the appointment of a Welfare Visitor.他们将用这笔拨款来聘用一名福利巡查员。If this is the case, then improvement in people's welfare and in the environment will merely be empty words.如果情况是这样的话,改善人民福利和美化环境只会成为空话。The company offers health insurance, paid vacation, and other goodies like stock options.这家公司提供医疗保险、带薪休假及诸如优先认购权等其他福利Welfare has become identified with the long-term poor, the underclass.福利已经与长期贫困的下层社会联系在了一起。Gay and lesbian couples should be eligible for the same health benefits as married heterosexual couples.同性恋夫妻应该有资格享受和异性夫妻同样的健康福利A car is a benefit in kind.汽车是实物形式的福利The organization offers health benefits to the domestic partners of employees.该组织向员工在国内的配偶提供健康福利Talk to HR about benefits.和人力资源部谈福利问题。Little provision is made for working mothers by many large companies.很多大公司不怎么为有孩子的职业女性提供特殊福利




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