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You and you alone are responsible for correcting these errors.你要独自负责更正这些错误。I'm correcting the proofs of the Spanish edition right now.我正在校正西班牙语版本的校样。The enemy kept correcting their aim.敌军不断修正射击目标。It took an extraordinary effort to focus on preparing his classes or correcting his students' work.备课和批改学生的作业花费了他很多精力。Miss Lennox was seated at her desk correcting papers.伦诺克斯小姐坐在办公桌旁批阅试卷。Teachers spend many hours correcting students’ assignments.教师们花许多小时批改学生的作业。Is there any way of politely correcting someone's grammar?有何办法可以礼貌地改正别人的语法错误?He was conscientious in the correcting of students' essays.他一丝不苟地批改学生的论文。They were of great service in correcting my jejune generalizations.他们纠正了我不成熟的泛泛之论,帮了我大忙。The way she's always correcting other people really gets my goat!她总是好为人师,这点真让我厌烦!He has criticised the government for inefficiency and delays in correcting past mistakes.他批评政府在纠正过去的错误问题上效率低下,并且拖拖拉拉。My Italian friends are always correcting my pronunciation.我的意大利朋友们总是在纠正我的发音。She was too clever by half - always correcting the teacher or coming back with a smart answer.她未免聪明过头了——总爱纠正老师或者回答问题时耍耍小聪明。She sat correcting the students' homework.她坐着批改学生的家庭作业。He developed nervous problems after people began repeatedly correcting him.人们开始不停地纠正他的错误,之后他的神经就出现了问题。I left her to get on with the task of correcting the errors.我让她自己继续改正错误。He has criticized the government for delays in correcting past mistakes.他批评政府迟迟未改正过去的错误。Our teacher hasn't finished correcting our tests yet.我们老师还没有批改完我们的试卷。These medicines are used for correcting chemical imbalances in the brain.这些药物是用来治疗大脑化学物质失衡的。I spent months correcting my swing.我花了几个月时间纠正挥杆动作。He takes a very positive attitude when correcting pupils' mistakes.他在纠正学生的错误时总是采取多肯定成绩的态度。 |