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词汇 神志
例句 Frank was found lying beside the road, covered in blood but still conscious.弗兰克被人发现躺在路边,浑身是血,但神志还清醒。The driver was still conscious when the ambulance reached her.救护车到达时,司机的神志还是清醒的。He wasn't very lucid, he didn't quite know where he was.神志不是很清醒,不太知道自己在哪里。He's still conscious but he's very badly injured.神志还清醒,但伤得很重。The patient's high fever made him delirious.高热使病人神志昏乱。There were moments when he doubted his own sanity.有时他甚至怀疑自己神志是否正常。He was fully conscious when we found him.我们找到他时,他的神志非常清醒。The wine left him somewhat bemused.喝酒以后他多少有点儿神志迷糊了。The statement was written when his mind was still lucid.这份陈述是在他神志还清醒时写的。Mrs. Hill, still mentally alert, said no to any suggestions of further operations.希尔女士神志依然清楚,拒绝了做进一步手术的建议。The patient was fully conscious during the operation.在手术过程中病人神志完全清醒。She was still conscious and was moaning loudly with pain.神志仍然清醒,只是痛得大声呻吟。Can Sally go back in your room and lie down? She's really out of it.萨莉可以回你的房间躺下来吗?她神志很模糊了。He had been drinking for a couple of hours, so he was pretty far gone by then.他喝了几个小时的酒,因此他当时的神志已经很不清楚了。




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