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词汇 祝福
例句 She was stunned by the amount of support she received from well-wishers.居然有这么多人送上祝福,他们的支持令她受宠若惊。We parted with many expressions of goodwill.我们说了许多祝福的话道别了。The preacher blessed the congregation after his sermon.牧师在讲道后祝福会众。She tries so hard, bless her heart.她那么努力地尝试,祝福她。Their marriage was blessed in church three days after the civil ceremony.他们举行了世俗婚礼三天之后,又在教堂接受了祝福I wish them every happiness. 祝福他们幸福快乐。The main street was lined with well-wishers.大街两旁满是祝福的人群。Relatives and friends showered good wishes on the bride and bridegroom.亲朋好友纷纷向新娘新郎祝福May I offer my felicitations on your engagement.我为你们的订婚祝福I salute their courage and wish them well.我向他们的勇气致敬,并祝福他们。The priest blessed her, and made the sign of the cross over her.神父祝福她,并在她头顶上方画十字。A Brahmin priest was blessing a groom, his bride, and their large families.一位婆罗门牧师正在祝福新郎、新娘和他们的大家庭。I must have been naive to think we would get my parents' blessing.我一定太天真了,竟认为我们会得到我父母的祝福They asked God's blessing on their pastoral work.他们为自己的牧师工作祈求上帝的祝福I found George's story very sad. Please give him my best wishes.我觉得乔治的经历很悲惨,请向他转达我最诚挚的祝福He went abroad with his parents' benediction.他带著父母的祝福出国去了。Everyone toasted the bride and groom.大家举杯祝福新娘新郎。I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas.我只想祝福你圣诞快乐。Lina is fine and sends you her love and best wishes.莉娜身体很好,还让我转达她对你的爱和祝福It is my honour to toast the bride and groom on this auspicious occasion.在这喜庆的日子里,我很荣幸地举杯向新娘和新郎表示祝福Even Louis began to think their union was not blessed in the eyes of God.就连路易斯都开始认为他们的婚姻并没有受到上帝的祝福The song hovered, like a whispered benediction, above the crowd.歌声缭绕在人群上方,如同低声祝福Thanks to all those who sent well wishes.谢谢所有给我祝福的人。Scores of well-wishers had gathered.许多前来祝福的人们聚到了一起。He reciprocated Mr Cameron's good wishes.他对卡梅伦先生的良好祝愿报以同样的祝福Send her my good/best wishes.向她转达我最美好的祝福Did she communicate my wishes to you?她有没有把我的祝福转告你? They got married with their parents'blessing.他们在父母的祝福下结了婚。I went down on my knees, and he pronounced his blessing for me.我跪了下去,他就为我祝福The monument was blessed with holy water and a traditional olive branch.这座纪念碑用传统的橄榄枝洒圣水祝福过。Please accept my blessing upon your marriage.请接受我对你们婚姻的祝福She could only raise her hand in a gesture of benediction.她只得举起手做了一个祝福的手势。




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